The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia

Malacolog Version 4.1.1

A Database of Western Atlantic Marine Mollusca

The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia

1 record found

Work found, with species-group names introduced therein:

Smith, E. A. 1881a. Account of the Zoological collections made during the survey of the H.M.S. 'Alert' in the Straits of Magellan and on the coast of Patagonia. IV. Mollusca and Molluscoidea. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1881 22-44, pls. 3-5. [True date: -- Jun 1881.]
     Euthria atrata, see Pareuthria atrata (E. A. Smith, 1881)
     Trochus (Ziziphinus) consimilis, see Calliostoma consimile (E. A. Smith, 1881)
     Tectura (Pilidium) coppingeri, see Iothia coppingeri (E. A. Smith, 1881)
     Pleurotoma (Mangelia?) coppingeri, see Savatieria coppingeri (E. A. Smith, 1881)
     Collonia cunninghami, see Homalopoma cunninghami (E. A. Smith, 1881)
     Pleurotoma (Bela) cunninghami, see Belalora cunninghami (E. A. Smith, 1881)
     Euthria meridionalis, see Glypteuthria meridionalis (E. A. Smith, 1881)
     Lachesis meridionalis, see Savatieria meridionalis (E. A. Smith, 1881)
     Lamellaria patagonica

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