The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia

Malacolog Version 4.1.1

A Database of Western Atlantic Marine Mollusca

The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia

Gastropoda: Neogastropoda: Volutoidea: Mitridae

Mitra pallida Usticke, 1959

Range: 26°N to 12°N; 80°W to 59.6°W
Maximum Reported Size: 39  mm


Mitra nodulosa pallida Usticke, 1959, p. 75-76, pl. 4, fig. 6
[Basis of the current name]
Type Locality: Ham Bay, St. Croix
Range: 26°N to 12°N; 80°W to 59.6°W
Maximum Reported Size: 39 mm
Distribution: USA: Florida: East Florida; ABC Islands: Aruba; Virgin Islands: St. Croix; Barbados
References: Usticke (1969) SEM; Boyko & Cordeiro (2001a) T
Comments: Preoccupied by A. Adams, 1851 and Pease, 1861.

Partial List of References

Usticke, G. W. Nowell. 1959. A Check List of Marine Shells of St. Croix  vi + 90, 4 pls. Author: Christiansted, St. Croix. [Stated date: -- --- 1959; true date: post June.]

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