Buccinum polygonatumLamarck, 1822b, p. 278 [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: Unknown Range: 28°N to 4°N; 82°W to 52°W Depth: 0 m Maximum Reported Size: 16 mm Distribution: USA: Florida: East Florida, West Florida; Mexico: Yucatan Peninsula; Bermuda, Guyana, French Guiana, Surinam, Brazil: unlocalized References: Lamarck (1822b) M; Altena (1975) d{SE}; Cernohorsky (1984) s (of ^N. vibex^); Lee (1998) NSWE; Faber (2004b); Faber (2007c) T Comments: Valid according to Lee (1998), ranging from Florida to Brazil. Record of Macsotay & Campos (2001) from Venezula need confirmation as they consider N. vibex a synonym of N. polygonatus.
Nassa cinisculusReeve, 1853, pl. 22, fig. 146a-b [Synonym] Type Locality: St. Thomas Range: 18°N to 9.4°N; 83.07°W to 65°W Distribution: Costa Rica, Panama; Virgin Islands: St. Thomas References: Reeve (1853) NE; Radwin (1969) S; Cernohorsky (1975a) T; Jong & Coomans (1988) s; Robinson & Montoya (1987) W
Nassa polygona sic, [Not available] Comments: Error for polygonata by d'Orbigny (1841a).
Partial List of References
Lamarck, [J. B.] 1822. Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertèbres Histoire Naturelle des Animaux sans Vertèbres 7 [iii] + 711 pp. Author: Paris. [Stated date: -- Aug 1822.] Reeve, L. 1853. Monograph of the genus Nassa Conchologia Iconica 8 pls. 1-25