The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia

Malacolog Version 4.1.1

A Database of Western Atlantic Marine Mollusca

The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia

Gastropoda: : Naticoidea: Naticidae

Sinuber sculptum (Martens, 1878)

Range: 47.47°S to 77.67°S; 180°W to 30.5°W
Depth: 94 to 855 m (live 94 to 244 m)
Maximum Reported Size: 9.5  mm


Natica sculpta Martens, 1878
Sinuber scotianum A. W. B. Powell, 1951


Natica sculpta Martens, 1878,
[Basis of the current name]
Range: 47.47°S to 53.13°S; 180°W to 56.65°W
Depth: 249 to 855 m
Maximum Reported Size: 8.5 mm
Distribution: Argentina: Burwood Bank; Falkland Islands; Indian Ocean: Kerguelen
References: Powell (1951) cdN; Dell (1990) DSEW{M}; Numanami (1996); Forcelli (2000) M

Sinuber sculpta scotiana A. W. B. Powell, 1951, p. 120-121, pl. 5, fig. 10
Type Locality: Sta. 167, off Signy Is., South Orkneys, 60°50'30"S, 46°15'00"W
Range: 54°S to 77.67°S; 70.58°W to 30.5°W
Depth: 94 to 411 m (live 94 to 244 m)
Maximum Reported Size: 9.5 mm
Distribution: Subantarctic: South Georgia, South Orkney Islands
References: Powell (1951) LN{M}; Dell (1990) DSEW; Zelaya (2005a) dlM
Comments: Usually treated as a subspecies of S. sculptum, but literature records suggest they are sympatric.

Sinuber scottiana sic, 
[Not available]
Comments: Error for scotianum by Castellanos & Landoni (1990).

Partial List of References

Powell, A. W. B. 1951. Antarctic and Subantarctic Mollusca: Pelecypoda and Gastropoda Discovery Reports 26 47-196, pls. 5-10. [Stated date: -- Mar 1951.]

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