The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia

Malacolog Version 4.1.1

A Database of Western Atlantic Marine Mollusca

The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia

Gastropoda: : Naticoidea: Naticidae

Bulbus smithii Brown, 1839

Range: 70°N to 41°N; 70°W to 0°W
Depth: 325 to 325 m
Maximum Reported Size: 39  mm


Natica flava Gould, 1839
Acrybia flavus (Gould, 1839) 
Bulbus smithii Brown, 1839
Ampullina smithii (Brown, 1839) 
Natica normalis Middendorff, 1849
Bulbus elongatus Habe & Ito, 1965


Bulbus smithii Brown, 1839,
[Basis of the current name]
Attributed to: J. Smith
Range: 47°N to 41°N; 60°W to 0°W
Maximum Reported Size: 25 mm
References: Abbott (1974) M
Combining Genera:  Ampullina

Bulbus elongatus Habe & Ito, 1965, 

Natica flava Gould, 1839, 
Range: 70°N to 43°N; 70°W to 0°W
Depth: 325 m
Maximum Reported Size: 25 mm
Distribution: Greenland: East Greenland; Canada: Nova Scotia; USA: Massachusetts
References: Gould (1841) M; Stimpson (1851c) W; Thorson (1944) DdNSE
Combining Genera:  Acrybia

Natica flava f. normalis Middendorff, 1849b, p. 422
[Not available]
Type Locality: Insel Nowaja-Semlja; Ins. St. Pauli Mar. Behring.
Maximum Reported Size: 39 mm
References: Middendorff (1849b) M
Comments: Infrasubspecific.

Partial List of References

Middendorff, A. T. von. 1849. Beiträge zu einer Malacozoologia Rossica. II. Aufzählung und Beschreibung der zur Meeresfauna Russlands gehörigen einschaler Mémoires de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de Saint-Pétersbourg, Sciences Naturelles (6)6 329-516, pls. 1-11.

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