Natica tedbayeri Rehder, 1986, [Basis of the current name] Range: 26°N to 6°S; 80°W to 35°W Depth: 0 to 50 m (live 2 to 4 m) Maximum Reported Size: 22 mm Distribution: Brazil: Paraiba References: Leal (1991b) l Comments: If this species is placed in a genus other than Natica, the name floridana Rehder must be used (ICZN Article 59.4).
Natica bayeri Rehder, 1986, [Objective synonym of valid name] Comments: Non Koperberg, 1931.
Glyphepithema floridanaRehder, 1943a, p. 196-197, pl. 19, figs. 19-21 [Objective synonym of valid name] Type Locality: Peanut Island, Lake Worth, Florida Range: 26.8°N to 8°S; 82.4°W to 34.9°W Depth: 2 to 4 m (live 4 m) Maximum Reported Size: 22 mm Distribution: USA: Florida: East Florida; Panama, Colombia, Cuba: North Havana Province, North Matanzas; Jamaica; Virgin Islands: St. Croix; Brazil: Pernambuco References: Rehder (1943a) N{WM}; Abbott (1958) DLl; Usticke (1959) M; Sarasúa (1970) W; Mello & Perrier (1986) dSE; Fernández Milera (1998) Comments: Non Natica floridana Dall, 1892.
Partial List of References
Rehder, H. A. 1943. New marine mollusks from the Antillean region Proceedings of the United States National Museum 93(3161) 187-203, pls. 19-20.