Range: 22.85°S to 22.85°S; 42°W Depth: 45 to 50 m (live 45 to 50 m) Maximum Reported Size: 21 mm
Cyphoma versicolorFehse, 2003b, p. 15, 17, pl. 17, figs. 1-4 [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: Off Cabo Frio, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, 45-50 m Range: 22.85°S to 22.85°S; 42°W Depth: 45 to 50 m (live 45 to 50 m) Maximum Reported Size: 21 mm Distribution: Brazil: Rio de Janeiro
Partial List of References
Fehse, D. 2003. Contributions to the knowledge of the Ovulidae (Gastropoda: Cypraeoidea). XII. The Cyphoma-Pseudocyphoma complex. II part La Conchiglia 35(308) 11-38. [Stated date: -- Sep 2003.]