Range: 23.7°S to 29.5°S; 48°W to 42.12°W Depth: 450 to 830 m (live 610 to 610 m) Maximum Reported Size: 49 mm
Nanomelon viperinusLeal & Bouchet, 1989, p. 8-11, figs. 9-10, 15-18, 23-25, 28-33 [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: Continental slope off the coast of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, 23°47'S, 42°10'W, 610 m Range: 23.7°S to 29.5°S; 48°W to 42.12°W Depth: 450 to 830 m (live 610 m) Maximum Reported Size: 49 mm Distribution: Brazil: Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul References: Leal & Bouchet (1989) DdLNE; Coltro (2005a) SWM
Partial List of References
Leal, J. H. and P. Bouchet. 1989. New deep-water Volutidae from off southeastern Brazil (Mollusca: Gastropoda) Nautilus 103 1-12. [Stated date: 28 Jun 1989.]