Range: 34.5°N to 20°S; 92.3°W to 0°W Depth: 34 to 550 m Maximum Reported Size: 4.3 mm
Bifrontia zanclaea auct. non Philippi, 1844 Pseudomalaxis centrifuga Monterosato, 1890 Omalaxis exquisitus Dall & Simpson, 1901 Pseudomalaxis macandrewi Iredale, 1911
Pseudomalaxis centrifuga Monterosato, 1890, [Basis of the current name] Range: 28°N to 20°S; 91°W to 0°W Depth: 46 to 550 m Maximum Reported Size: 4.3 mm Distribution: USA: Florida: East Florida; USA: Louisiana; Venezuela: unlocalized; Puerto Rico, Brazil: Espirito Santo References: Marche-Marchad (1969) E; Princz (1982a); Ortiz-Corps (1985); Rios (1985) D; García & Lee (2004) NW
Omalaxis exquisitaDall & Simpson, 1901, p. 432, pl. 54, fig. 12 [Synonym] Type Locality: Fish Hawk sta. 6062, Mayaguez Harbor, Porto Rico Range: 34.5°N to 9.4°N; 92.3°W to 64.7°W Depth: 34 to 137 m Maximum Reported Size: 3 mm Distribution: USA: North Carolina; Mexico: Campeche Bank; Panama, Bermuda, Cuba: North Havana Province, North Matanzas, Holguin; Puerto Rico References: Jaume & Borro (1946) D; Olsson & McGinty (1958) S; Warmke & Abbott (1961); Rice & Kornicker (1965) {D}W; Waller (1973) dE; Porter (1974) N
Pseudomalaxis macandrewi Iredale, 1911, [Synonym] Range: 15°S to 15°S; 39°W References: Lange de Morretes (1949) NSEW; Marche-Marchad (1969) s
Bifrontia zanclaea auct. non Philippi, 1844, [Not available] References: Marche-Marchad (1969) s Comments: Misidentification by Gray (1853).
Partial List of References
Dall, W. H. and C. T. Simpson. 1901. The Mollusca of Porto Rico U. S. Fisheries Commission Bulletin 20 351-524, pls. 53-58.