Range: 3.87°S to 4.5°S; 50.05°W to 32.5°W Depth: 40 to 146 m Maximum Reported Size: 6.7 mm
Liotia admirabilis auct. non E. A. Smith, 1890 Macrarene digitata McLean, Absalao & Santos Cruz, 1988
Macrarene digitataMcLean, Absalao & Santos Cruz, 1988, p. 99-101, figs. 1-2 [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: Almirante Saldanha Sta. 1913, off northeast Brazil, 3°59'N, 49°35'W Range: 3.87°S to 4.5°S; 50.05°W to 32.5°W Depth: 40 to 146 m Maximum Reported Size: 6.7 mm Distribution: Brazil: Fernando de Noronha, Rio Grande do Norte References: McLean, Absalao & Santos Cruz (1988) DSWN; Leal (1991b) dNE
Liotia admirabilis auct. non E. A. Smith, 1890, [Not available] Maximum Reported Size: 4 mm References: McLean, Absalao & Santos Cruz (1988) s Comments: Misidentification by Rios (1975, 1985).
Partial List of References
McLean, J. H., R. S. Absalao, R. L. dos Santos Cruz. 1988. A new species of Macrarene (Turbinidae: Liotiinae) from Brazil Nautilus 102 99-101. [Stated date: 29 Aug 1988.]