Littorina flavaKing & Broderip, 1832, p. 345, Not figured [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: 'ad Brasiliam, (Rio de Janeiro)' Range: 22.07°N to 29°S; 81°W to 34.9°W Depth: -1.5 to 0 m Maximum Reported Size: 20 mm Distribution: Colombia: Offshore islands; Venezuela: Carabobo; Cuba: Cienfuegos; Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Guadeloupe; St. Vincent & the Grenadines: Grenada; Trinidad & Tobago: Tobago; Guyana, Surinam, Brazil: Maranhao, Ceara, Rio Grande do Norte, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Bahia, Espirito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Parana, Santa Catarina References: Aguayo (1935) N; Bequaert (1943); Ortiz-Corps (1985); Mello & Perrier (1986) E; Díaz & Puyana (1994) W; ANSP Combining Genera: Littorina Melaraphe
Littorina columellarisd'Orbigny, 1840, p. 392, [d'Orbigny 1842b, pl. 15, figs. 18-20, 20'] [Synonymy uncertain] Type Locality: 8°S, aux environs de Pernambuco Range: 14.5°N to 8°S; 61°W to 35°W Maximum Reported Size: 19 mm Distribution: Martinique, Brazil: Pernambuco References: d'Orbigny (1840) SEM; d'Orbigny (1842b) NW Combining Genera: Melaraphe
Littorina fusciventris Boettger, 1891, [Synonym]
Littorina nebulosa auct. non Lamarck, 1822, [Not available] References: Jong & Coomans (1988) s Comments: Misidentification by Jong & Kristensen (1965).
Partial List of References
d'Orbigny, A. 1840. Mollusques Voyage dans l'Amérique Méridionale 5 377-424, pls. 53, 67, 70-71. P. Bertrand: Paris. [True date: -- --- 1840.] King, P. P. and W. J. Broderip. 1832. Description of the Cirrhipeda, Conchifera and Mollusca, in a collection formed by the officers of H.M.S. Adventure and Beagle employed between the years 1826 and 1830 in surveying the southern coasts of South America Zoological Journal 5 332-349.