The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia

Malacolog Version 4.1.1

A Database of Western Atlantic Marine Mollusca

The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia

Gastropoda: : Naticoidea: Naticidae

Tectonatica impervia (Philippi, 1845)

Range: 35°S to 63.6°S; 97.72°W to 0°W
Depth: 5 to 460 m (live 15 to 160 m)
Maximum Reported Size: 18.1  mm


Natica acuta Philippi, 1845
Natica impervia Philippi, 1845
Natica philippiana Nyst, 1845
Natica obturata Philippi, 1855
Natica payeni Rochebrune & Mabille, 1885
Natica major Strebel, 1908


Natica impervia Philippi, 1845a, p. 65
[Basis of the current name]
Type Locality: Fretum Magellanicum
Range: 35°S to 55°S; 97.72°W to 36.13°W
Depth: 5 to 460 m (live 15 to 160 m)
Maximum Reported Size: 18.1 mm
Distribution: Uruguay, Argentina: Buenos Aires, Santa Cruz, Burwood Bank; Falkland Islands, Tierra del Fuego, Straits of Magellan, Chile; Subantarctic: South Georgia
References: Rochebrune & Mabille (1889) S; Strebel (1908) {S}; Powell (1951) {D}E; Ureta (1963) N; Dell (1990) dlWM; Pastorino (2005b) LD
Comments: Pastorino (2005b) doubted records from Kerguelen and Crozet Islands by Cantera & Aarnaud (1985).

Natica acuta Philippi, 1845a, p. 65
Type Locality: Fretum Magellanicum
Range: 54°S to 54°S
Maximum Reported Size: 17.4 mm
Distribution: Straits of Magellan
References: Philippi (1845a) M; Forcelli (2000); Pastorino (2005b) s
Comments: Non Deshayes, 1832.

Natica impervia var. major Strebel, 1908, p. 61, pl. 5, figs. 62a-b
Type Locality: Graham Region [Antarctic Peninsula]
Range: 65.93°S to 63.6°S; 54.58°W to 55.8°W
Depth: 920 to 150 m
Maximum Reported Size: 13.8 mm
Distribution: Antarctica: Antarctic Peninsula
References: Strebel (1908) DdNSEWM; Pastorino (2005b) s

Natica obturata Philippi, 1855, 
Range: 54°S to 54°S
Distribution: Straits of Magellan
References: Pastorino (2005b) s

Natica payeni Rochebrune & Mabille, 1885, p. 104
Type Locality: Cap Horn
Range: 55°S to 56°S; 68°W to 66°W
Maximum Reported Size: 13 mm
Distribution: Tierra del Fuego
References: Rochebrune & Mabille (1885) SWM; Rochebrune & Mabille (1889) NE; Dell (1990) s; Pastorino (2005b) s

Natica philippiana Nyst, 1845, 
Range: 54°S to 54°S
Maximum Reported Size: 17.4 mm
References: Pastorino (2005b) s
Comments: Non Récluz in Chenu, 1843.

Partial List of References

Philippi, [R.] A. 1845. Diagnosen einiger neuen Conchylien Archiv für Naturgeschichte 11 50-71.
Rochebrune, A.-T. and J. Mabille. 1885. Diagnoses de mollusques nouveaux, recueillis par les membres de la mission du Cap Horn et M. Lebrun, Préparateur au Muséum, chargé d'une mission à Santa-Cruz de Patagonie Bulletin de la Société Philomathique de Paris (7)9 100-111. [True date: post 30 May.]
Strebel, H. 1908. Die Gastropoden (mit Ausnahme de nackten Opisthobranchier) Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Südpolar-Expedition 1901-1903 6(1) 111 pp., 6 pls. [Stated date: -- --- 1908; true date: pre 17 July.]

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