Hyalaea inflexa Lesueur, 1813, [Basis of the current name] Range: 45°N to 45°S; 96°W to 0°W Depth: 88 to 668 m (live 88 to 174 m) Maximum Reported Size: 7 mm Distribution: USA: Florida: East Florida, West Florida, Florida Keys; USA: Louisiana; Mexico: Veracruz, Quintana Roo; Venezuela: unlocalized; Bermuda, Cuba, Puerto Rico: Culebra Island; Brazil: Pernambuco, Alagoas; Argentina: unlocalized; Oceanic References: Verrill (1882a) D; Pelseneer (1888); Dall & Simpson (1901); Burkenroad (1933); Leal Rodríguez (1965) W; Bé & Gilmer (1977) dLl; Princz (1982a); Suárez-Morales & Gasca (1998); Rampal (2002) Combining Genera: Cavolina
Cleodora curvataSouleyet, 1851, p. 32, [Souleyet 1849, pl. 7, figs. 6-10] [Synonym] Attributed to: Eydoux & Souleyet (1852) Type Locality: Not stated [l'océan Atlantique (Souleyet 1852b)] Maximum Reported Size: 2 mm References: Souleyet (1852b:185) M; van der Spoel (1967) s Combining Genera: Clio
Hyalaea depressad'Orbigny, 1834, p. 110, pl. 7, figs. 11-14 [1835] [Synonym] Type Locality: l'Océan atlantique, 14°N, 22°W (of Paris) Range: 14°N ; 20°W Maximum Reported Size: 2 mm References: d'Orbigny (1834) NSEWM; van der Spoel (1967) s Comments: Non Bivona, 1832. Combining Genera: Diacria Hyalea
Hyalaea elongata Blainville, 1821, [Synonym] Attributed to: Lesueur MS References: van der Spoel (1967) s
Archonta exploratus Férussac, 1822, [Synonymy uncertain] References: van der Spoel (1967) s?
Hyalea inflexa f. imitansPfeffer, 1880, p. 90, pl. 7, fig. 9a [Synonym] Type Locality: Atlantic Ocean; Zanzibar Distribution: Gulf of Mexico, Mexico: Quintana Roo References: van der Spoel (1967) s; Suárez (1994); Suárez-Morales & Gasca (1998) Comments: Treated as a subspecies of C. inflexa by Rampal (2002), but overlaps in distribution with that taxon, so must be a full species or a synonym.
Hyalaea inflexa var. longaBoas, 1886, p. 123-126, 212-213 [Not available] Type Locality: Many localities in Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans References: van der Spoel (1967) s Comments: Infrasubspecific.
Cavolinia major Locard, 1897, [Not available] References: van der Spoel (1967) s Comments: Nude name.
Cavolinia minor Locard, 1897, [Not available] References: van der Spoel (1967) s Comments: Nude name.
Pleuropus pellucidusEschscholtz, 1825, p. 735, pl. 5, fig. 2 [Synonym] Type Locality: Sudsee Maximum Reported Size: 2 mm References: Eschscholtz (1825) M; van der Spoel (1967) s Combining Genera: Diacria
Cleodora pleuropus Rang in Rang & Souleyet, 1852, p. 48-49, pl. 10, fig. 8 [Synonym] Type Locality: Not stated References: van der Spoel (1967) s Comments: As valid species on plate, as possibly synonym of Cleodora cuspidata Quoy & Gaimard in text.
Hyalaea uncinataPhilippi, 1836a, p. 101, pl. 6, fig. 18 [Synonym] Attributed to: Höninghaus MS Type Locality: mari Insulas Canarias References: van der Spoel (1967) s Comments: Non Rang, 1829.
Hyalaea vaginellina Cantraine, 1835, [Synonym] References: van der Spoel (1967) s
Partial List of References
Boas, J. E. V. 1886. Spolia Atlantica. Bidrag til Pteropodernes, Morfologi og Systematik samt til Kundskaben om deres geografiske Udbredelse Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Skrifter, Naturvidenskabelig og Mathematisk Afdeling (6)4 1-231, pls. 1-8. d'Orbigny, A. 1834. Mollusques Voyage dans l'Amérique Méridionale 5 1-48, 73-128, pls. 1-2, 9-13, 15-16, 56 P. Bertrand: Paris. [True date: -- --- 1834.] Eschscholtz, F. 1825. Über die zoologische Ausbeute während der Reise von Kronstadt bis St. Peter- und Paul Isis von Oken 1 col. 733-747, pl. 5. [True date: post March.] Pfeffer, G. 1880. Die Pteropoden des Hamburger Museums Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Naturwissebschaften herausgegeben vom Naturwissenschaftlichen Verein zu Hamburg 7 67-99, pl. 7. Philippi, R. A. 1836. Enumeratio Molluscorum Siciliae xiv + 267 pp., 12 pls. Simonis Schropii et Sociorum: Berolini. Rang, P. C. A. L. and Souleyet. 1852. Histoire Naturelle des Mollusques Ptéropodes [iii] + iv + 86 pp., 15 pls. Baillière: Paris. [True date: post Feb.] Souleyet. 1851. Ordre des Ptéropodes Journal de Conchyliologie 2 28-38. [Stated date: 25 May 1851.]