Helix janthinaLinnaeus, 1758, p. 772, [Column. aqu. 23, t. 22, purp. t. 13, f. 2; Bonan. 3, t. 5; Sloan Jam. t. 1, f. 4, t. 572, f. 23...] [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: in Europa, Asia, Africa; in M[are] Mediterraneo frequentior; etiam pelagica Range: 47°N to 40°S; 97°W to 0°W Depth: 0 m (live 0 m) Maximum Reported Size: 37 mm Distribution: USA: North Carolina, Florida: West Florida, Florida Keys; USA: Louisiana, Texas; Mexico: Yucatan State, Quintana Roo; Colombia: Offshore islands; Panama, Colombia, Venezuela: unlocalized; Bermuda, Cuba: North Havana Province, North Matanzas; Jamaica, Puerto Rico; Virgin Islands: St. Croix; Brazil: Ceara, Fernando de Noronha, Rio Grande do Norte, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Bahia, Trindade Island, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Santa Catarina; Uruguay, Oceanic References: Laursen (1953) NE; Ev. Marcus (1958); Princz (1982a); Fernández Milera (1998)
Ianthina affinisReeve, 1858b, pl. 1, fig. 2a-b [Synonym] Type Locality: Unknown References: Laursen (1953) s
Ianthina africanaReeve, 1858b, pl. 2, fig. 8a-b [Synonym] Type Locality: Zanzibar References: Laursen (1953) s
Janthina albaAnton, 1838, p. 50 [Synonym] Type Locality: Not stated Maximum Reported Size: 8.7 mm References: Anton (1838) M; Laursen (1953) s Comments: Laursen (1953) incorrectly calls this a nomen nudum.
Ianthina balteataReeve, 1858b, pl. 3, fig. 11a-b [Synonym] Type Locality: Cape of Good Hope References: Laursen (1953) s
Ianthina bicolorMenke, 1828, p. 84 [Synonym] Type Locality: Jamaica Range: 18°N ; 77°W Maximum Reported Size: 17 mm Distribution: Jamaica References: Menke (1830) NSEWM; Laursen (1953) s
Ianthina brittanicaForbes & Hanley, 1852, p. 260-261, pl. 130, fig. 1 [Synonym] Attributed to: Leach MS Type Locality: Great Britain References: Laursen (1953) s
Ianthina caeruleataReeve, 1858b, pl. 2, fig. 7a-b [Synonym] Type Locality: Unknown References: Laursen (1953) s
Janthina carpenteriMörch, 1860b, p. 277, [Reeve, Janthina fragilis fig. 6] [Synonym] Type Locality: Mazatlan [Mexico]; Iles Sandwich References: Laursen (1953) s
Ianthina castaReeve, 1858b, pl. 1, fig. 4a-b [Synonym] Type Locality: Unknown References: Laursen (1953) s
Ianthina communisLamarck, 1822a, p. 206, [Encyc. Method. pl. 456, fig. 1a-b] [Synonym] Range: 24.8°N to 16°S; 81.8°W to 5.7°W Maximum Reported Size: 25 mm Distribution: USA: Florida: Florida Keys; Eastern Atlantic: St. Helena References: Lamarck (1822a) M; Melvill (1881) NW; E. A. Smith (1890b) SE; Laursen (1953) s Combining Genera: Ianthina
Janthina bicolor var. conicaMonterosato, 1878b, p. 95 [Not available] Type Locality: Mediterranean and Adriatic Comments: Nude name.
Ianthina contorta Carpenter, 1857, [Synonym] References: Laursen (1953) s
Janthina costaeMörch, 1860b, p. 274 [Synonym] Type Locality: Méditerranée; Océan atlantique References: Laursen (1953) s
Ianthina depressaReeve, 1858b, pl. 3, fig. 14a-b [Synonym] Type Locality: Unknown References: Laursen (1953) s
Ianthina fibulaReeve, 1858b, pl. 4, fig. 17a-b [Synonym] Type Locality: Unknown References: Laursen (1953) s
Janthina fragilisLamarck, 1801, p. 89, [Encyc. Method. pl. 456, fig. 1a-b] [Synonym] Attributed to: Lamarck, 1799 Type Locality: Not stated Range: 41.8°N to 16°S; 81.3°W to 0°W Depth: 0 m Maximum Reported Size: 32 mm Distribution: USA: Massachusetts, North Carolina, Florida: East Florida; Eastern Atlantic: St. Helena References: d'Orbigny (1841a) M; Gould (1870) dN; Jeffreys (1872) S; C. W. Johnson (1890) SW; Nicklès (1950) E; Laursen (1953) s Comments: New name for Helix janthina Linnaeus, apparently to avoid tautonomy. Combining Genera: Ianthina
Ianthina grandisReeve, 1858b, pl. 1, fig. 3a-b [Synonym] Type Locality: Unknown References: Laursen (1953) s
Ianthina involutaReeve, 1858b, pl. 3, fig. 12a-b [Synonym] Type Locality: Unknown References: Laursen (1953) s
Janthina bicolor var. majorMonterosato, 1878b, p. 95 [Not available] Type Locality: Mediterranean and Adriatic References: Laursen (1953) s Comments: Nude name.
Janthina bicolor var. minorMonterosato, 1878b, p. 95 [Not available] Type Locality: Mediterranean and Adriatic References: Laursen (1953) s Comments: Nude name.
Ianthina nicobarica Laursen, 1953, [Not available] Attributed to: Reeve MS Comments: Name introduced in synonymy of J. janthina.
Janthina orbignyiMörch, 1860b, p. 278, [d'Orbigny pl. 61, fig. 8] [Synonym] Type Locality: Océan atlantique References: Laursen (1953) s
Janthina penicephala Péron, 1825, [Synonym] References: Laursen (1953) s
Ianthina planispirataAdams & Reeve, 1850, p. 54, pl. 11, fig. 10 [Synonym] Type Locality: Atlantic Ocean References: Laursen (1953) s
Ianthina roseolaReeve, 1858b, pl. 1, fig. 1a-b [Synonym] Type Locality: Island of Nicobar References: Laursen (1953) s
Janthina rotundata Dillwyn, 1840, [Synonym] Attributed to: Leach MS References: Laursen (1953) s
Ianthina smithiaeReeve, 1858b, pl. 3, fig. 15a-b [Synonym] Type Locality: near Penrice Castle, Glamorganshire, South Wales References: Laursen (1953) s
Janthina spira elataMörch, 1860b, p. 278, [Chemnitz, 1781, pl. 166, fig. 1577-1578] [Synonym] Type Locality: Tranquebar [India]; Cap de Bonne-Espérance [South Africa] References: Laursen (1953) s
Ianthina striulata Carpenter, 1857, [Synonym] References: Laursen (1953) s
Ianthina trochoideaReeve, 1858b, pl. 2, fig. 10a-b [Synonym] Type Locality: Unknown References: Laursen (1953) s
Janthina violaceaRöding, 1798, p. 75, [Knorr 2, pl. 30, fig. 2-3] [Synonym] Type Locality: Not stated References: Laursen (1953) s
Janthina vulgaris Gray, 1847, [Synonym] References: Laursen (1953) s
Partial List of References
Adams, A. and L. Reeve. 1850. Mollusca The Zoology of the Voyage of the H.M.S. Samarang 25-87, pl. 7-24 Reeve, Benham, and Reeve: London. Anton, H. E. 1838. Verzeichniss der Conchylien xvi + 110 pp. [Stated date: 09 Oct 1838.] Forbes, E. and S. Hanley. 1852. A History of British Mollusca, and their Shells A History of British Mollusca 4 pp. 1-280, pls. AAA-HHH, KKK-MMM, OOO-QQQ, 114E-F, 122-133. John van Voorst: London. Lamarck, J. B. 1801. Systême des Animaux sans Vertèbres viii + 432 pp. Paris. Lamarck, [J. B.] 1822. Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertèbres Histoire Naturelle des Animaux sans Vertèbres 6(2) [iii] + 232 pp. Author: Paris. [Stated date: -- Apr 1822.] Linnaeus, C. 1758. Systema Naturae Systema Naturae, 10th ed., vol. 1 824 pp. Laurentii Salvii: Holmiae [Stockholm, Sweden]. Menke, K. T. 1828. Synopsis methodica Molluscorum xii + 91 pp. Author: Pyrmont. [True date: post Feb.] Monterosato, [T. A.] di. 1878. Enumerazione e sinonimia delle conchiglie Mediterranee Giornale di Scienze Naturali ed Economiche 13 61-115. Mörch, O. A. L. 1860. Matériaux pour servir à l'histoire de la famille des Janthines Journal de Conchyliologie 8 261-285. [Stated date: -- Jul 1860.] Reeve, L. 1858. Monograph of the genus Ianthina Conchologia Iconica 11 pls. 1-5 [Stated date: -- Dec 1858.] Röding, P. F. 1798. Museum Boltenianum viii + 199 pp. Hamburg. [Stated date: -- Sep 1798.]