Tritonium granulareRöding, 1798, p. 127, [Chemnitz 1780, pl. 127, figs. 1226-1227] [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: Not stated Range: 32.3°N to 12°S; 90.5°W to 32.5°W Depth: 0 to 256 m (live 1 to 256 m) Maximum Reported Size: 48 mm Distribution: Mexico: Campeche Bank; Bermuda, Brazil: Para, Atol das Rocas, Fernando de Noronha, Bahia References: Leal (1991b) SE{DNW}; Lightbourn (1991) N; Beu (1998) T; García (2005b) DLM; García (2007b) W Combining Genera: Apollon Colubrinella Dulcerana Ranella
Ranella affinis Broderip in Broderip & Sowerby, 1833a, p. 179 [Synonym] Type Locality: In Oceano Pacifico (Annaa) Maximum Reported Size: 60 mm References: Broderip (1833a) M; Beu (1998) sT Combining Genera: Gyrineum
Bursa alfredensis Turton, 1932, [Synonym] References: Beu (1998) s
Bursa corrugata auct. non G. Perry, 1811, [Not available] References: Beu (2005) s Comments: Misidentification by Altena (1942).
Ranella cubanianad'Orbigny, 1847b, p. 165, pl. 23, fig. 24 [Synonym] Type Locality: Cuba and Sainte-Lucie Range: 35°N to 13°S; 94.3°W to 34.9°W Depth: 0 to 60 m (live 0.3 to 8 m) Maximum Reported Size: 65 mm Distribution: USA: Florida: East Florida, Florida Keys; USA: Louisiana, Texas; Mexico: Quintana Roo; Colombia: Offshore islands; Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela: Los Testigos; Cuba, Jamaica, Puerto Rico; Virgin Islands: St. Thomas, St. Croix; Guadeloupe, St. Lucia, Brazil: Para, Maranhao, Ceara, Fernando de Noronha, Pernambuco, Bahia References: Rios (1975) D; Odé (1982a) {W}; Mello & Perrier (1986) E; Díaz et al. (1990) L; Leal (1991b) s; Macsotay & Campos (2001); Beu (2005) s; HMNS W Comments: Abbott (1958) discusses anatomical reasons for recognizing B. cubaniana as a full species; Leal (1991b) discounts these. Combining Genera: Gyrineum
Bursa cumingiana Dunker, 1862, [Synonym] References: Beu (1998) sT
Ranella graniferaLamarck, 1816, p. [Lamarck 1822b, p. 153], pl. 414, fig. 4 [Synonym] Type Locality: Not stated [Unknown (Lamarck 1822b); designated as Red Sea (Beu 1998)] Maximum Reported Size: 51 mm References: Lamarck (1822b) M; Abbott (1958) s; Beu (1998) T Combining Genera: Tritonium
Bursa cubaniana var. intermediaUsticke, 1959, p. 61-62, pl. 3, fig. 13 [Synonym] Type Locality: North of Fredericksted, St. Croix Range: 18°N to 11°N; 70°W to 59.6°W Maximum Reported Size: 59 mm Distribution: ABC Islands: Aruba; Puerto Rico; Virgin Islands: St. Croix; Dominica, Barbados; Trinidad & Tobago: Tobago References: Usticke (1969) NSEWM; Beu (1998) s; Boyko & Cordeiro (2001a) T Comments: Also listed as a subspecies by Usticke, therefore available under ICZN Article 45.6.1. (see Boyko & Cordeiro 2001).
Tritonium jabickRöding, 1798, p. 127, [Chemnitz, 1780, pl. 127, fig. 1224-1225] [Synonym] Type Locality: Not stated References: Beu (1998) sT Combining Genera: Colubrinella Dulcerana
Bursa kowiensis Turton, 1932, [Synonym] References: Beu (1998) s
Bursa corrugata var. lineataUsticke, 1959, p. 61-62, pl. 3, fig. 12 [Synonym] Type Locality: [Krause's Lagoon (see Boyko & Cordeiro 2001)], north of Fredericksted, St. Croix Range: 18°N to 11.3°N; 66°W to 59.6°W Maximum Reported Size: 50 mm Distribution: Puerto Rico; Virgin Islands: St. Croix; St. Vincent & the Grenadines: Grenada; Barbados; Trinidad & Tobago: Tobago References: Usticke (1969) NEWM; Usticke (1971) S; Beu (1998) sT; Boyko & Cordeiro (2001a) Comments: Also listed as a subspecies by Usticke, therefore available under ICZN Article 45.6.1. (see Boyko & Cordeiro 2001).
Ranella livida Reeve, 1844, [Synonym] References: Beu (1998) sT
Biplex rubicolaG. Perry, 1811a, pl. 5, fig. 5 [Synonym] Type Locality: Not stated References: Beu (1998) sT; Petit (2003)
Partial List of References
Broderip, W. J. and G. B. Sowerby. 1833. [The collection of Shells formed by Mr. Cuming on the western coast of South America, and among the islands of the Southern Pacific Ocean] Proceedings of the Committee of Science and Correspondence of the Zoological Society of London 2 173-179. [True date: 14 Jan 1833.] d'Orbigny, A. 1847. Mollusques Histoire Physique, Politique et Naturelle de l'île de Cuba 2 129-224, pls. 22-25?. [Stated date: -- --- 1853; true date: pre May?] Lamarck, [J. B.] 1816. Tableau Encyclopédique et Méthodique des Trois Rčgnes de la Nature [iii] + 16 pp., pls. 391-431, 431 bis, 431 bis*, 432-488. Veuve Agasse: Paris. Perry, G. 1811. Conchology iv + 5 pp., 61 pls. William Miller: London. Röding, P. F. 1798. Museum Boltenianum viii + 199 pp. Hamburg. [Stated date: -- Sep 1798.] Usticke, G. W. Nowell. 1959. A Check List of Marine Shells of St. Croix vi + 90, 4 pls. Author: Christiansted, St. Croix. [Stated date: -- --- 1959; true date: post June.]