The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia

Malacolog Version 4.1.1

A Database of Western Atlantic Marine Mollusca

The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia

Gastropoda: : Naticoidea: Naticidae

Natica livida Pfeiffer, 1840

Range: 32.3°N to 23°S; 92°W to 15°W
Depth: 0 to 65 m (live 0 to 6 m)
Maximum Reported Size: 21  mm


Natica livida Pfeiffer, 1840
Natica pulchella Pfeiffer, 1840
Natica lacernula d'Orbigny, 1842
Natica sagraiana auct. non d'Orbigny, 1842
Natica jamaicensis C. B. Adams, 1850
Natica nigrescens C. B. Adams, 1850
Natica rufilabris Reeve, 1855
Natica oceani Usticke, 1959


Natica livida Pfeiffer, 1840, p. 254, Not figured
[Basis of the current name]
Type Locality: Cuba [Nordküste, Pfeiffer 1839: 349; Matanzas Bay or Cardenas, based on localities cited by Pfeiffer (1854c)]
Range: 32.3°N to 23°S; 92°W to 15°W
Depth: 0 to 20 m (live 0 to 6 m)
Maximum Reported Size: 21 mm
Distribution: USA: Florida: East Florida, Florida Keys; Mexico: Cayo Arcas, Campeche, Alacran Reef, Quintana Roo; Panama, Colombia, Venezuela: Delta Amacuro; Bermuda, Bahamas: Grand Bahama Island; Cuba: North Havana Province, North Matanzas, Cienfuegos; Jamaica, Puerto Rico; Virgin Islands: St. Croix; Nevis, Brazil: Para, Ceara, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Bahia, Trindade Island, Rio de Janeiro
References: Dautzenberg (1900) D; Usticke (1959) M; Rice & Kornicker (1962) {W}; Vokes & Vokes (1983, original station data) W; Leal (1991b) lE; Hewitt (2005b)
Comments: 26°N in Florida.

Natica jamaicensis C. B. Adams, 1850f, p. 111-112, Not figured
Type Locality: Jamaica
Range: 18°N ; 77°W
Maximum Reported Size: 13.5 mm
Distribution: Jamaica
References: C. B. Adams (1850f) NSEWM; Mörch (1877b) s; Dall (1889a) s

Natica lacernula d'Orbigny, 1842b, p. 35, pl. 17, figs. 23-25
Type Locality: Martinique and Cuba
Range: 23°N to 14.8°N; 82.3°W to 61°W
Maximum Reported Size: 13 mm
Distribution: Cuba: North Havana Province; Martinique
References: d'Orbigny (1842b) SEM; Arango (1880) NW; Dall (1889a) s

Natica jamaicensis var. nigrescens C. B. Adams, 1850f, p. 112, Not figured
[Synonymy uncertain]
Type Locality: Jamaica
Range: 18°N ; 77°W
Distribution: Jamaica
References: C. B. Adams (1850f) NSEW; Mörch (1877b) s

Natica livida oceani Usticke, 1959, p. 54, 55, 56, pl. 3, fig. 6
Type Locality: West coast of St. Croix [1 mile north of Frederickstead, St. Croix (Usticke 1971)]
Range: 17.8°N ; 64.9°W
Maximum Reported Size: 11 mm
Distribution: Virgin Islands: St. Croix
References: Usticke (1969) NSEWM; Jong & Coomans (1988) s; Boyko & Cordeiro (2001a) T

Natica pulchella Pfeiffer, 1840, p. 254, Not figured
[Synonymy uncertain]
Type Locality: Cuba [Nordküste, Pfeiffer 1839: 349; Matanzas Bay or Cardenas, based on localities cited by Pfeiffer (1854c)]
Range: 23°N ; 82.3°W to 81.7°W
Maximum Reported Size: 7.6 mm
Distribution: Cuba: North Havana Province, North Matanzas
References: Pfeiffer (1840) M; Arango (1880) W; Dall (1889a) s?
Comments: Non Risso, 1826.

Natica rufilabris Reeve, 1855b,  pl. 23, fig. 103a-b
Type Locality: Bahia [Brazil]
Range: 13°S to 13°S; 39°W
Distribution: Brazil: Bahia
References: Mörch (1877b) SE

Natica sagraiana auct. non d'Orbigny, 1842, 
[Not available; synonymy uncertain]
Range: 18°N to 10.5°N; 74°W to 64.3°W
Depth: 20 to 65 m
Distribution: Colombia, Venezuela: Gulf of Venezuela, Sucre; Puerto Rico
References: Dunker (1860) s (of N. pulchella); Dautzenberg (1900) DdSE
Comments: Misidentification; Natica sagraiana d'Orbigny, 1842 (p. 34, pl. 17, figs. 20-22, type locality Cuba) was based on mislocalized Eastern Alantic specimens according to Récluz (1852a: 272).

Partial List of References

Adams, C. B. 1850. Descriptions of supposed new species of marine shells, which inhabit Jamaica Contributions to Conchology 7 109-123. [Stated date: -- Apr 1850.]
d'Orbigny, A. 1842. Mollusques Histoire Physique, Politique et Naturelle de l'île de Cuba 2 1-112, pls. 10-21?. Arthus Bertrand: Paris. [Stated date: -- --- 1853; true date: -- --- 1842.]
Pfeiffer, L. 1840. Uebersicht der im Januar, Februar und März 1839 auf Cuba gesammelten Mollusken Archiv für Naturgeschichte 6(1) 250-261.
Reeve, L. 1855. Monograph of the genus Natica Conchologia Iconica 9 pls. 1-30
Usticke, G. W. Nowell. 1959. A Check List of Marine Shells of St. Croix  vi + 90, 4 pls. Author: Christiansted, St. Croix. [Stated date: -- --- 1959; true date: post June.]

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