Muricidea mansfieldiMcGinty, 1940a, p. 83-84, pl. 10, figs. 5-5a [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: Caloosahatchee marl, Clewiston, Hendry County, Florida Range: 30°N to 31.23°S; 90.5°W to 36°W Depth: 0.6 to 177 m (live 0.6 to 46 m) Maximum Reported Size: 31 mm Distribution: USA: Florida: East Florida, West Florida, Florida Keys; Mexico: Campeche Bank; Panama, Colombia, Venezuela: Los Testigos; Cayman Islands: Grand Cayman Island; Virgin Islands: St. Croix; Brazil: Alagoas, Rio Grande do Sul References: Pilsbry & McGinty (1949) NM; Penna-Neme & Leme (1978) DS; Kosuge & Suzuki (1985) c; Macsotay & Campos (2001); García (2007b) W Comments: Species is sexually dimorphic (Pilsbry & McGinty 1949). Combining Genera: Coralliophila Latiaxis
Partial List of References
McGinty, T. L. 1940. New land and marine Tertiary shells from Southern Florida Nautilus 53 81-84, pl. 10. [Stated date: -- Jan 1940.]