Ancilla matthewsiBurch & Burch, 1967, p. 81-82, fig. 1 [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil, 15 fathoms (from fish digestive tract) Range: 1°S to 7°S; 48°W to 32.5°W Depth: 20 to 85 m Maximum Reported Size: 23 mm Distribution: Brazil: Para, Maranhao, Ceara, Fernando de Noronha, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraiba References: Kilburn (1981) c; Rios (1994); Sterba (2004) Combining Genera: Eburna
Partial List of References
Burch, J. Q. and R. L. Burch. 1967. A new Ancilla from Brazil Nautilus 80 81-82. [Stated date: -- Jan 1967.]