Nucula puelchad'Orbigny, 1842c, p. 162, [d'Orbigny 1842d, pl. 84, figs. 24-26] [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: fossile, Riacho del Ingles, au fond de la Bahia de San-Blas, Patagonie; vivante sur la même côte Range: 23.08°S to 41°S; 57°W to 43.18°W Depth: 5 to 1850 m Maximum Reported Size: 12 mm Distribution: Brazil: Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina; Uruguay, Argentina: Buenos Aires References: Fischer-Piette (1974) dNE; Rhind & Allen (1992); Villarroel & Stuardo (1998) c; Scarabino (2003) Combining Genera: Nuculoma
Nucula felipponei Marshall, 1928, [Synonym] References: Fischer-Piette (1974) s; Bernard (1983) s
Nucula pigafettae Dall, 1908, [Synonym] References: Bernard (1983) s
Nucula puelchana sic, [Not available] Comments: Error for puelcha by d'Orbigny (1842d, pl. 84).
Nucula savatieri Mabille & Rochebrune in Rochebrune & Mabille, 1889, p. 112, pl. 8, fig. 2 [Synonym] Type Locality: Canal du Beagle; Baie Orange Range: 55°S to 55.5°S; 68°W Maximum Reported Size: 21 mm Distribution: Tierra del Fuego References: Rochebrune & Mabille (1889) NSEWM; Fischer-Piette (1974) s; Villarroel & Stuardo (1998) s
Nucula uruguayensisE. A. Smith, 1880, p. 320-321 [Synonym] Type Locality: 36°47'S, 55°17'W, 28 fathoms, of the mouth of the Rio de la Plata Range: 22.93°S to 36.78°S; 55.28°W to 41.57°W Depth: 51 to 73 m Maximum Reported Size: 12 mm Distribution: Brazil: Rio de Janeiro; Argentina: Buenos Aires References: E. A. Smith (1880) dSWM; E. A. Smith (1915) DNE; Fischer-Piette (1974) s; Bernard (1983) s Comments: Non Marshall, 1929.
Partial List of References
d'Orbigny, A. 1842. Paléontologie Voyage dans l'Amérique Méridionale 3 1-188, pls. 1-22. P. Bertrand: Paris. Rochebrune, A.-T. and J. Mabille. 1889. Mollusques Mission Scientifique du Cap Horn. 1882-1883 6 H.1-H.129, pls. 1-8 Smith, E. A. 1880. Descriptions of five new species of shells from Uruguay Annals and Magazine of Natural History (5)6 319-322.