Range: 22.93°S to 39°S; 58°W to 41.57°W Depth: 20 to 75 m Maximum Reported Size: 45 mm
Leda electaA. Adams, 1856c, p. 48 [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: Santos, Brazil Range: 22.93°S to 39°S; 58°W to 41.57°W Depth: 20 to 75 m Maximum Reported Size: 45 mm Distribution: Brazil: Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo References: E. A. Smith (1915) NE; Rehder (1939); Fischer-Piette (1974) d
Partial List of References
Adams, A. 1856. Descriptions of thirty-four new species of bivalve Mollusca (Leda, Nucula, and Pythina) from the Cumingian collection Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 24 47-53.