The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia

Malacolog Version 4.1.1

A Database of Western Atlantic Marine Mollusca

The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia

Bivalvia: : Pectinoidea: Pectinidae

Argopecten irradians concentricus (Say, 1822)

Range: 40°N to 26.5°N; 87°W to 75°W
Depth: 0.3 to 9 m (live 1 to 2 m)
Maximum Reported Size: 50  mm


Pecten concentricus Say, 1822,
[Basis of the current name]
Range: 40°N to 26.5°N; 87°W to 75°W
Depth: 0.3 to 9 m (live 1 to 2 m)
Maximum Reported Size: 50 mm
Distribution: USA: New Jersey, Virginia, Florida: East Florida, West Florida
References: Lyons et al. (1971) DdLl; Cooley (1978) W

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