Astarte lunulata Conrad, 1834, [Basis of the current name] Range: 42°N to 28°S; 91°W to 41°W Depth: 2 to 110 m (live 7 to 11 m) Maximum Reported Size: 8.5 mm Distribution: USA: Massachusetts, New York, Florida: East Florida, West Florida; USA: Texas; Mexico: Quintana Roo; Bermuda References: Sykes & Hall (1970) l; Lyons (1989b) LM Combining Genera: Crassatella
Gouldia fastigiata Gould, 1862, [Synonym]
Eriphyla galvestonensis Harris, 1895, [Synonym]
Crassatella guadalupensisd'Orbigny, 1853, p. 289, pl. 27, figs. 24-26 [Synonym] Attributed to: d'Orbigny (1842) Type Locality: Cuba, Guadeloupe, Saint-Domingue and Saint Thomas Range: 20°N to 6°N; 82°W to 55°W Depth: 0 to 42 m Maximum Reported Size: 5 mm Distribution: Cuba, Dominican Republic; Virgin Islands: St. Thomas; Guadeloupe References: Altena (1971) DdSE
Astarte mactraceaLinsley, 1845, p. 275, unnumbered text-fig. [Gould 1848a, text-figs. 1-2] [Synonym] Type Locality: Stonington, Connecticut, from codfish stomach Range: 41.2°N to 26.5°N; 82°W to 71.9°W Depth: 2 to 11 m Maximum Reported Size: 6 mm Distribution: USA: Connecticut, Florida: West Florida References: Linsley (1845) NE; Gould (1848a) M; Perry & Schwengel (1955) DdSW; Mikkelsen & Bieler (2004) s
Thetis parvaC. B. Adams, 1845, p. 9, Not figured [Synonym] Type Locality: Jamaica Range: 18°N ; 77°W Maximum Reported Size: 4.1 mm Distribution: Jamaica References: C. B. Adams (1845) NSEWM; Mikkelsen & Bieler (2004) s
Astarte pfeifferi Philippi, 1849, [Synonym]
Partial List of References
Adams, C. B. 1845. Specierum novarum conchyliorum, in Jamaica repertorum, synopsis Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 2 1-17. [Stated date: -- Jan 1845.] d'Orbigny, A. 1853. Mollusques Histoire Physique, Politique et Naturelle de l'île de Cuba 2 [iv] + 225-380, pls. 26-28?. Linsley, J. H. 1845. Catalogue of the shells of Connecticut American Journal of Science and Arts 48 271-286. [Stated date: -- Apr 1845.]