Corbula operculataPhilippi, 1848a, p. 13 [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: Insula S. Thomas, 15-18 Faden Range: 36.9°N to 23°S; 92.3°W to 37°W Depth: 7 to 250 m Maximum Reported Size: 10 mm Distribution: USA: Virginia, North Carolina, Florida: East Florida; USA: Texas; Mexico: Campeche Bank; Virgin Islands: St. Thomas References: Rice & Kornicker (1965) W; Merrill, Bullock & Franz (1978) N; Lyons (1989b) d Combining Genera: Notocorbula
Corbula disparilis auct. non d'Orbigny, , [Not available] Comments: Misidentification.
Partial List of References
Philippi, R. A. 1848. Beschreibung zweier neuer Conchylien aus der Sammlung des Herrn Consul Gruner in Bremen Zeitschrift für Malakozoologie 5 12-13. [Stated date: -- Jan 1848.]