Ficus pellucidusDeshayes, 1856, p. 184-185, pl. 6, figs. 1-2 [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: Unknown Maximum Reported Size: 70 mm Distribution: Colombia, Cuba, Barbados; Trinidad & Tobago: Trinidad; Brazil: Bahia References: Deshayes (1856) M; Verhaeghe & Poppe (2000) v
Ficus atlanticusClench & Aguayo, 1940, p. 85-86, pl. 14, fig. 1 [Synonym] Type Locality: Off Sao Salvador, Bahia Province, Brazil, 11°49'S, 37°10'W, 450 fathoms Range: 32.3°N to 11.82°S; 64.7°W to 37.17°W Depth: 146 to 823 m Maximum Reported Size: 38 mm Distribution: Bermuda, Brazil: Bahia References: Clench & Aguayo (1940) DSEM; Bayer (1971) s (of F. howelli); Sunderland & Sunderland (1991a) dNW; Verhaeghe & Poppe (2000) s
Ficus howelliClench & Aguayo, 1940, p. 85, pl. 14, fig. 2 [Synonym] Type Locality: Atlantis sta. 3332, Bahia de Cochinos, Santa Clara Province, Cuba, 22°09'30", 81°11'W, 175-225 fathoms Range: 32.3°N to 6.12°N; 81.22°W to 52.32°W Depth: 73 to 320 m (live 73 to 172 m) Maximum Reported Size: 51 mm Distribution: Venezuela: Miranda; Bermuda, Cuba: South Matanzas; Dominican Republic; Trinidad & Tobago: Trinidad; French Guiana References: Clench & Aguayo (1940) DW; Bayer (1971) lSE; Sunderland & Sunderland (1991a) NM; Verhaeghe & Poppe (2000) s
Partial List of References
Clench, W. J. and C. G. Aguayo. 1940. Notes and descriptions of new deep-water Mollusca obtained by the Harvard-Habana Expedition off Cuba. III. Memorias de la Sociedad Cubana de Historia Natural "Felipe Poey" 14 77-94, pls. 14-16. [Stated date: 30 Mar 1940; true date: pre 16 Apr.] Deshayes, [G. P.] 1856. Description d'une nouvelle espèces de Ficus Journal de Conchyliologie 5 184-185, pl. 6. [Stated date: -- Nov 1856.]