Range: 28°N to 20.53°S; 91°W to 38.18°W Depth: 52 to 52 m (live 52 to 52 m) Maximum Reported Size: 4.5 mm
Rissoina fenestrata Schwartz, 1860 Phosinella fenestrata (Schwartz, 1860) Rissoina vanderspoeli auct. non Jong & Coomans, 1988
Rissoina fenestrataSchwartz, 1860, p. 156, pl. 7, fig. 51 [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: Cuba Range: 20°N to 20.53°S; 74°W to 38.18°W Depth: 52 m (live 52 m) Maximum Reported Size: 4.5 mm Distribution: ABC Islands: Aruba, Curacao; Cuba, Brazil: Vitoria-Trindade Seamounts References: Leal (1991b) DdLlSE Combining Genera: Phosinella
Rissoina vanderspoeli auct. non Jong & Coomans, 1988, [Not available] Range: 28°N ; 91°W to 93°W Distribution: USA: Louisiana References: García (2002a) NSEW; García & Lee (2003) s Comments: Misidentification by García (2002a) and García & Lee (2002).
Partial List of References
Schwartz von Mohrenstern, G. 1860. Über die Familie der Rissoiden und insbesondere die Gattung Rissoina Denkschriften der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften 19 71-188, 11 pls.