Range: 26°N to 20°S; 83.08°W to 40°W Depth: 0 to 86 m Maximum Reported Size: 15 mm
Rissoa reticulata auct. non Sowerby, 1833 Rissoa princeps C. B. Adams, 1850 Rissoina pseudoprinceps Weinkauff, 1884 Rissoina oligopleura Woodring, 1928
Rissoa princepsC. B. Adams, 1850f, p. 116, Not figured [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: Jamaica Range: 26°N to 20°S; 83.08°W to 40°W Depth: 0 to 86 m Maximum Reported Size: 15 mm Distribution: Costa Rica, Colombia, Bahamas: Abaco (Great or Little); Cuba: North Havana Province; Jamaica; Virgin Islands: St. Croix; St. Vincent & the Grenadines: The Grenadines; Brazil: Amapa, Bahia, Espirito Santo References: Rios (1975) D{d}; Robinson & Montoya (1987) W; Redfern (2001) dN; Fallon (2008)
Rissoina oligopleura Woodring, 1928, [Synonym] References: Robinson (1991) s
Rissoa reticulata auct. non Sowerby, 1833, [Not available] Range: 18.3°N ; 65°W Distribution: Virgin Islands: St. Thomas References: Sowerby II (1876) NSEW; Cernohorsky (1978b) s Comments: Misidentification; an Indo-Pacific species reported in the Caribbean by early authors (see Cernohorsky (1978).
Partial List of References
Adams, C. B. 1850. Descriptions of supposed new species of marine shells, which inhabit Jamaica Contributions to Conchology 7 109-123. [Stated date: -- Apr 1850.]