Patella equestrisLinnaeus, 1758, p. 780-781, [Rumph. t. 40, f. P-Q; Pet. amb. t. 16, f. 28; Gualt. t. 9, fig. X; Argen. t. 6, fig. K] [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: O[ceano] Indico Range: 35°N to 20.67°S; 94°W to 14.4°W Depth: 0 to 780 m (live 0 to 60 m) Maximum Reported Size: 38 mm Distribution: USA: North Carolina, Florida: East Florida, West Florida; USA: Texas; Mexico: Campeche State, Alacran Reef, Quintana Roo; Honduras: Swan Island; Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela: Sucre, Isla Margarita; Cuba: North Havana Province, North Matanzas, Santiago de Cuba; Jamaica, Puerto Rico; Virgin Islands: St. Croix; Antigua, Brazil: Amapa, Maranhao, Ceara, Fernando de Noronha, Rio Grande do Norte, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Abrolhos Islands, Espirito Santo, Trindade Island; Ascension Island References: Porter (1974) N; Leal (1991b) DLS; Odé (1983a) W; Fernández Milera (1998); Macsotay & Campos (2001); Simone (2002b) Comments: Simone (2002b) noted that the current concept of Cheilea equestris probably encompasses several species. Combining Genera: Calyptra Calyptraea
Calyptraea aculeataReeve, 1858d, pl. 8, fig. 31a-b [Synonym] Type Locality: Honduras Range: 15°N to 16°N; 83°W to 88°W Maximum Reported Size: 17 mm Distribution: Honduras References: Reeve (1858d) NSEWM; Mörch (1877b) s
Calyptraea (Calyptraea) cepaceaBroderip, 1834, p. 35 [Synonym] Type Locality: In sinu Guayaquil (Island of Muerte) Maximum Reported Size: 27 mm References: Broderip (1834) M
Calyptraea chlorinaGould, 1846, p. 161, [Gould 1860, pl. 32, fig. 487-487b, 487d-e] [Synonymy uncertain] Type Locality: Port Praya, Cape de Verds Range: 11°N ; 63°W to 25°W Depth: 80 m Maximum Reported Size: 15 mm Distribution: Venezuela: Los Testigos; Eastern Atlantic: Cape Verde Islands References: Gould (1846) EM; Dautzenberg (1900) DdNSW Comments: Gould (1852) cites figures 487a-d, but 487c and 487d became 487d and 487e on the plate; there is no 487c. Combining Genera: Mitrularia
Mitrularia diaphana auct. non Reeve, 1858, [Not available; synonymy uncertain] Range: 11°N ; 63°W Depth: 80 m Distribution: Venezuela: Los Testigos References: Dautzenberg (1900) DdNSEW Comments: Misidentification.
Patella neptuniDillwyn, 1817, p. 1016, [Favanne pl. 4, fig. B3, etc.] [Synonym] Type Locality: St. Domingo and Falkland Islands References: Mörch (1877b) s
Mitrularia neptuniSchumacher, 1817, p. 183, [Martini, 1769, pl. 13, fig. 119-120] [Synonym] Type Locality: Not stated
Calyptraea planulata C. B. Adams, 1852, [Synonym] Range: 18°N
Calyptraea stellaReeve, 1858d, pl. 6, fig. 24a-b [Synonym] Type Locality: Belize, Honduras Range: 16°N ; 88.5°W Maximum Reported Size: 26 mm Distribution: Belize References: Reeve (1858d) NSEWM
Calyptraea tortilis Reeve, 1858, [Synonym]
Calyptra tubiferaGray, 1868, p. 748 [Synonymy uncertain] Type Locality: Honduras Distribution: Honduras References: Mörch (1877b) s
Calyptraea umboReeve, 1858d, pl. 8, fig. 33a-b [Synonym] Type Locality: Honduras Range: 15°N to 16°N; 83°W to 88°W Maximum Reported Size: 15 mm Distribution: Honduras References: Reeve (1858d) NSEWM; Mörch (1877b) s
Partial List of References
Broderip, W. J. 1834. Descriptions of several new species of Calyptraeidae Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 2 35-40. [True date: 29 Jul 1834.] Dillwyn, L. W. 1817. A descriptive catalogue of recent shells A Descriptive Catalogue of Recent Shells 1-2 xii + 1-580; [iv] + 581-1121. John and Arthur Arch: Cornhill. Gould, A. A. 1846. New species of Rimula, Crepidula, Calyptraea, Hipponix, and Pileopsis, from the collection of the United States Exploring Expedition Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 2 159-162. [Stated date: -- Aug 1846.] Gray, J. E. 1868. Notes on the specimens of Calyptraeidae in Mr. Cuming's collection Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1867 726-748. [Stated date: -- --- 1867; true date: -- Apr 1868.] Linnaeus, C. 1758. Systema Naturae Systema Naturae, 10th ed., vol. 1 824 pp. Laurentii Salvii: Holmiae [Stockholm, Sweden]. Reeve, L. 1858. Monograph of the genus Calyptraea Conchologia Iconica 11 pls. 1-8 [Stated date: -- Dec 1858.] Schumacher, C. F. 1817. Essai d'un Nouveau Système des Habitations des Vers Testacés [iv] + 287 pp., 22 pls. Schultz: Copenhague. [Stated date: -- --- 1817; true date: post 1 Mar.]