Erato maugeriae Gray, 1832, [Basis of the current name] Range: 35°N to 26°S; 96.1°W to 39°W Depth: 1.5 to 120 m (live 11 to 51 m) Maximum Reported Size: 6 mm Distribution: USA: North Carolina, Florida: East Florida, West Florida; USA: Flower Garden Banks, Texas; Mexico: Campeche State, Yucatan State, Campeche Bank, Quintana Roo; Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela: unlocalized; Cuba: North Havana Province, North Matanzas, Villa Clara; Puerto Rico; Virgin Islands: St. Croix; Brazil: Amapa, Para, Bahia, Espirito Santo, Sao Paulo, Santa Catarina References: Dautzenberg (1900); Parker & Curray (1956) W; Lyons et al. (1971) d; Princz (1982a); Lyons (1989b) l; Fernández Milera (1998); Simone (2004) D{L}S; García (2007b) L Combining Genera: Hesperato
Marginella albilabrisConrad, 1846a, p. 26 [Synonym] Type Locality: Tampa Bay [Florida] Range: 28°N ; 82.5°W Distribution: USA: Florida: West Florida References: Conrad (1846a) NSEW; W. G. Lyons (pers. comm. 8 June 1992) s
Persicula dalliLange de Morretes, 1940, p. 252-253, pl. 1, fig. 4-7 [Synonym] Attributed to: Ihering MS Type Locality: Bertioga, Santos Maximum Reported Size: 6 mm Distribution: Brazil: Sao Paulo References: Lange de Morretes (1940) M; Rios (1975) s; Simone (2004) s
Erato laevis auct. non Donovan, 1804, [Not available] References: Dall (1890c) s; Maury (1922) s Comments: Misidentification by Emmons (1858).
Hespererato maugeriae martinicensisSchilder, 1933, p. 249, 254, 255, 258, 267, fig. 45 [Synonym] Attributed to: Preston MS Type Locality: Martinique Range: 14.5°N ; 61°W Maximum Reported Size: 4.5 mm Distribution: Martinique References: Schilder (1933) NSEWM Comments: Tentatively reported from Venezuela by Princz (1982a: 116).
Erato venezuelanaWeisbord, 1962, p. 224-226, pl. 18, figs. 6-7 [Synonym] Type Locality: Lower Mare formation at W-13, on hillside above west bank of Quebrada Mare Abajo, Venezuela Maximum Reported Size: 4.9 mm References: Weisbord (1962) M; J. & W. Gibson-Smith (1979) s
Partial List of References
Conrad, T. A. 1846. Descriptions of new species of fossil and Recent shells and corals Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 3 19-27, pl. 1. [Stated date: -- Feb 1846; true date: pre June 30.] Lange de Morretes, F. 1940. Novos moluscos marinhos do Brasil Arquivos de Zoologia do Estado de Sao Paulo 2 251-256, pls. 1-2. [Stated date: 22 Dec 1940.] Schilder, F. A. 1933. Monograph of the subfamily Eratoinae Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London 20 244-283. [Stated date: -- Jul 1933.] Weisbord, N. E. 1962. Late Cenozoic gastropods from northern Venezuela Bulletins of American Paleontology 42(193) 672 pp., 48 pls. [Stated date: 05 Mar 1962.]