Trivia antillarumSchilder, 1922, p. 103, 111 [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: West Indies Range: 35°N to 5°S; 93.05°W to 38°W Depth: 9 to 525 m (live 56 to 51 m) Maximum Reported Size: 6 mm Distribution: USA: North Carolina, Florida: East Florida, West Florida; USA: Flower Garden Banks; Mexico: Campeche Bank, Quintana Roo; Costa Rica, Colombia, Venezuela: unlocalized; Jamaica, Puerto Rico; Virgin Islands: St. Croix; Brazil: Maranhao, Piaui, Ceara, Rio Grande do Norte References: Rice & Kornicker (1965) {W}; Ekdale (1974) {W}; Princz (1982a); Díaz & Puyana (1994) M; García (1999a) LlW Comments: New name for Cypraea subrostrata Gray, 1827, non 1824; Schilder (1932) as first reviser gave antillarum priority over occidentalis. Combining Genera: Dolichupis Niveria
Trivia occidentalisSchilder, 1922, p. 103, 111 [Synonym] Type Locality: Not stated Range: 35°N to 20.7°S; 80°W to 32.5°W Depth: 20 to 100 m (live 81 m) Distribution: Brazil: Para, Fernando de Noronha, Rio Grande do Norte References: Leal (1991b) LSE Comments: New name for Cypraea pulla Gaskoin, 1846, non Gmelin, 1791.
Cypraea pullaGaskoin, 1846, p. 24-25 [Synonym] Type Locality: Unknown Maximum Reported Size: 6 mm References: Gaskoin (1846) M Comments: Non Gmelin, 1791.
Cypraea subrostrataGray, 1827, p. 363-364 [Synonym] Type Locality: Unknown Maximum Reported Size: 3.8 mm References: Gray (1827) M; Abbott (1954c) s Comments: Non Gray, 1824.
Cypraea triticeaBlainville, 1826, p. 25 [Synonymy uncertain] Attributed to: Dufresne Type Locality: Antilles References: Rosenberg (herein) s? Comments: Non Cypraea triticea Lamarck, 1810.
Partial List of References
Blainville, H. M. de. 1826. Porcelaine, Cypraea (Malacoz.) Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles 43 1-34 Paris. [True date: -- Sep 1826.] Gaskoin, J. S. 1846. Descriptions of three new species of Cypraea Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 14 23-25. Gray, J. E. 1827. Monograph on the Cypraeidae, a family of testaceous Mollusca [continued] Zoological Journal 3 363-371. [Stated date: -- Nov 1827.] Schilder, F. A. 1922. Contributions to the knowledge of the genera Cypraea and Trivia Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London 15 98-122. [Stated date: -- Dec 1922.]