Rimula granulata Seguenza, 1862, [Basis of the current name] Range: 25°N to 34.42°S; 80°W to 50°W Depth: 150 to 1966 m Maximum Reported Size: 8 mm Distribution: USA: Florida: Florida Keys; Cuba: Pinar del Rio, South Matanzas; Antigua, Barbados, Brazil: Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul References: Rios et al. (1975) S; Turgeon et al. (1998) c
Puncturella (Craniopsis) tuberculataWatson, 1883b, p. 31 [Synonym] Type Locality: Challenger sta. 24, north of Culebra Range: 18.64°N ; 65.09°W Depth: 713 m Maximum Reported Size: 7.9 mm Distribution: Puerto Rico: Culebra Island References: Watson (1883b) DNSEWM; Pérez Farfante (1947) s
Puncturella (Puncturella) watsoniDall, 1889a, p. 403-404 [Synonym] Type Locality: Barbados Range: 23.04°N to 13°N; 87°W to 60°W Depth: 183 to 402 m Maximum Reported Size: 3.8 mm Distribution: Mexico: Campeche Bank; Cuba: Pinar del Rio; Barbados References: Dall (1889a) DdNSEW; Pérez Farfante (1947) s
Partial List of References
Dall, W. H. 1889. Reports on the results of dredgings, under the supervision of Alexander Agassiz, in the Gulf of Mexico (1877-78) and in the Caribbean Sea (1879-80), by the U. S. Coast Survey Steamer 'Blake,' Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 18 1-492, pls. 10-40. [Stated date: 08 Jun 1889.] Watson, R. B. 1883. Mollusca of H.M.S. 'Challenger' Expedition. Part XVI Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 17 26-40. [Stated date: 24 Mar 1883.]