Fissurella cayenensisLamarck, 1822a, p. 12 [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: Guyane Range: 39°N to 28°S; 97.6°W to 15°W Depth: 0 to 100 m (live 0 to 46 m) Maximum Reported Size: 51 mm Distribution: USA: New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida: East Florida, West Florida; USA: Louisiana, Flower Garden Banks, Texas; Mexico: Veracruz, Campeche State, Yucatan State, Campeche Bank, Quintana Roo; Colombia: Offshore islands; Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia; ABC Islands: Curacao; Venezuela: Falcon, Sucre, Isla la Blanquilla, Isla Margarita; Bermuda, Bahamas: Abaco (Great or Little); Cuba: Pinar del Rio, North Havana Province, North Matanzas, Villa Clara, Santiago de Cuba; Cayman Islands: Grand Cayman Island; Jamaica, Puerto Rico; Virgin Islands: St. Croix; St. Vincent & the Grenadines: Grenada; Guyana, French Guiana, Brazil: Amapa, Para, Fernando de Noronha, Rio Grande do Norte, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Espirito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina; Eastern Atlantic: Canary Islands References: García-Cubas (1971) W; Porter (1974) D; J. Andrews (1977) M; Emerson & Jacobson (1976) N; Hopkins et al. (1977) {LW}; Princz (1978b); Lyons (1989b) l; Odé (1988d) L; Leal (1991b) E; Fernández Milera (1998); Macsotay & Campos (2001) Comments: New Jersey records may be based on subfossil shells. Combining Genera: Lucapina
Fissurella alternataSay, 1822a, p. 224 [Synonym] Type Locality: Maryland Range: 37.7°N to 16.5°N; 86.5°W to 75.7°W Maximum Reported Size: 20 mm Distribution: USA: Maryland, Virginia, South Carolina, Florida: East Florida, West Florida; Honduras, Cuba: North Havana Province References: Say (1822a) M; Kurtz (1860); Pilsbry & Aguayo (1933); Haas (1941) SW; Pérez Farfante (1943b) s; B. B. Baker (1951) NE Combining Genera: Fissuridea Glyphis
Fissurella fumataReeve, 1850a, pl. 9, fig. 63 [Synonym] Type Locality: Unknown References: Pérez Farfante (1943b) s
Fissurella larvaReeve, 1850a, pl. 13, fig. 98 [Synonym] Type Locality: St. John's, West Indies Distribution: Virgin Islands: St. John References: Pérez Farfante (1943b) s
Fissurella vimineaReeve, 1850a, pl. 14, fig. 105 [Synonym] Type Locality: Unknown References: Pérez Farfante (1943b) s
Partial List of References
Lamarck, [J. B.] 1822. Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertèbres Histoire Naturelle des Animaux sans Vertèbres 6(2) [iii] + 232 pp. Author: Paris. [Stated date: -- Apr 1822.] Reeve, L. 1850. Monograph of the genus Fissurella Conchologia Iconica 6 pls. 9-16 Say, T. 1822. An account of some of the marine shells of the United States Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 2 221-248, 257-276, 302-325. [Stated date: -- Jun 1822; true date: -- Jul 1822.]