Murex parthenopeusvon Salis, 1793, p. 370-371, pl. 7, fig. 4 [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: Neapel [Naples, Italy] Range: 34.98°N to 35°S; 97.4°W to 14.4°W Depth: 0 to 75 m (live 0 to 75 m) Maximum Reported Size: 180 mm Distribution: USA: North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida: East Florida, West Florida, Dry Tortugas; USA: Texas; Mexico: Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Campeche State, Cayo Arcas, Campeche, Yucatan State, Quintana Roo; Panama, Colombia, Venezuela: Gulf of Venezuela, Isla Margarita; Bermuda, Cuba: North Matanzas; Puerto Rico: Mona Island; Virgin Islands: St. Thomas, Tortola; St. Vincent & the Grenadines: Grenada; Barbados; Trinidad & Tobago: Trinidad; Surinam, Brazil: Bahia, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo; Uruguay, Ascension Island References: Merrill & Petit (1965) DL; Porter (1970) N; Odé (1982b) W; Carvalho Lopes & Schaeffer-Novelli (1992); Díaz & Puyana (1994) M; Beu (1998) T; Macsotay & Campos (2001) Combining Genera: Monoplex Septa
Triton abbreviatus Bellardi, 1873, [Synonym] References: Beu (1998) s
Triton acclivis Hutton, 1873, [Synonym] Type Locality: [Manukau Harbor, Auckland, New Zealand (Beu 1998)] References: Beu (1998) sT Combining Genera: Monoplex
Triton americanumd'Orbigny, 1847b, p. 163, pl. 23, fig. 22 [Synonym] Type Locality: Cuba and Brazil Range: 20°N to 4°N; 74°W to 51°W Maximum Reported Size: 80 mm Distribution: Cuba, Brazil References: Clench & Turner (1957) s; Beu (1998) T Combining Genera: Tritonium
Triton antupum De Gregorio, 1885, [Synonym] References: Beu (1998) s
Monoplex australasiaeG. Perry, 1811a, pl. 3, fig. 3 [Synonym] Type Locality: New Holland and Lord Howe's Island References: Clench & Turner (1957) s; Beu (1998) T; Petit (2003) s
Triton brasilianumGould, 1849, p. 142-143, [Gould 1860, pl. 17, fig. 296-296b] [Synonym] Type Locality: Rio Janeiro Range: 23°S to 23°S; 43°W Maximum Reported Size: 50 mm Distribution: Brazil: Rio de Janeiro References: Gould (1849) NSEWM; Clench & Turner (1957) s; Johnson (1964) T Comments: Listed erroneously as Fusus brasilianus by Sherborn.
Triton parthenopum [sic] var. corruformeDe Gregorio, 1884, p. 96 [Synonymy uncertain] Type Locality: plioceno di Altavilla
Murex costatusBorn, 1778, p. 295-296, [Beu 1998, fig. 35e] [Synonym] Type Locality: Not stated [Designated as Bay of Naples, Italy (Beu 1998)] Distribution: USA: Florida: West Florida References: Clench & Turner (1957) s; Beu (1998) T Comments: Non Pennant, 1777. Combining Genera: Triton Tritonium
Murex costulatusRisso, 1826, p. 197, Not figured [Synonym] Type Locality: Subfossile à Grosueil Maximum Reported Size: 7 mm References: Risso (1826) M; Beu (1998) sT
Cymatium echo Kuroda & Habe in Kira, 1961, [Synonym] References: Beu (1998) s Comments: Nude name in Kuroda & Habe 1950 and 1952, and Kira 1955. Combining Genera: Monoplex Septa
Simpulum olearium var. evaricosaPallary, 1900, p. 293, not figured [Not available] Attributed to: Koch MS Type Locality: île de Rachsgoun, département d'Oran [Algeria] Comments: Nude name.
Triton olearius auct. non Linnaeus, 1758, [Not available] Range: 11.5°N ; 63°W Depth: 11 m Distribution: USA: North Carolina; Venezuela: Los Testigos References: Dautzenberg (1900) DdNSEW; Clench & Turner (1957) s Comments: Misidentification. Combining Genera: Lotorium Simpulum
Triton parthenopum [sic] var. peribrantumDe Gregorio, 1884, p. 96 [Synonym] Type Locality: mari di Palermo [Italy] References: Beu (1998) s
Dissentoma primaPilsbry, 1945b, p. 59-60, fig. 1 [Synonym] Type Locality: Off SInger's Island, near North Inlet of Lake Worth, Palm Beach, Florida Range: 26.8°N to 23°N; 82°W to 80°W Depth: 5 m Maximum Reported Size: 3.6 mm Distribution: USA: Florida: East Florida; Cuba References: Pilsbry (1945b) DdNEM; Jaume & Borro (1946) SW; Beu & Kay (1988) s
Ranella pyramidataRisso, 1826, p. 202, Not figured [Synonymy uncertain] Type Locality: Europe méridionale References: Sabelli et al. (1990) s
Cymatium robustum Belletante, 1954, [Synonym] Type Locality: [Mediterranean Sea (Beu 1970)] References: Beu (1970) T; Beu (1998) s
Triton parthenopeum var. sbilpumDe Gregorio, 1885, p. 40 [Synonym] Type Locality: Altavilla (pliocene) References: Beu (1998) s
Triton parthenopeum var. stimumDe Gregorio, 1885, p. 39 [Synonym] Type Locality: postplioceno de Ficarazzi References: Beu (1998) s
Triton succinctumLamarck, 1816, p. [Lamarck 1822b, p. 181], pl. 416, fig. 2 [Synonym] Type Locality: Not stated [Nouvelle-Hollande (Lamarck 1822b)] Maximum Reported Size: 139 mm References: Lamarck (1822b) M; Clench & Turner (1957) s; Beu (1998) T Comments: Non Linnaeus, 1771.
Triton turtoniE. A. Smith, 1890b, p. 268, pl. 21, figs. 13-13a [Synonymy uncertain] Type Locality: St. Helena Range: 16°S to 16°S; 5.7°W Maximum Reported Size: 49 mm Distribution: Eastern Atlantic: St. Helena References: E. A. Smith (1890b) NSEWM; García-Talavera (1987)
Born, I. 1778. Index Rerum Naturalium Musei Caesarei Vindobonensis. Pars I. Testacea [xlii] + 458 + [82] pp., 1 pl. Offficina Krausiana: Wien. d'Orbigny, A. 1847. Mollusques Histoire Physique, Politique et Naturelle de l'île de Cuba 2 129-224, pls. 22-25?. [Stated date: -- --- 1853; true date: pre May?] De Gregorio, A. 1884. Studi su talune conchiglie Mediterranee viventi e fossili con una rivista del gen. Vulsella Bullettino della Societá Malacologica Italiana 10 36-288, 1-5. [True date: post 28 Mar.] De Gregorio, A. 1885. Continuazione degli studi su talune conchiglie Mediterranee viventi e fossili Bullettino della Societá Malacologica Italiana 11 27-203. Gould, A. A. 1849. [Descriptions of new species of shells, brought home by the U. S. Exploring Expedition] Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 3 83-85, 89-92, 106-108, 118-121.. Lamarck, [J. B.] 1816. Tableau Encyclopédique et Méthodique des Trois Règnes de la Nature [iii] + 16 pp., pls. 391-431, 431 bis, 431 bis*, 432-488. Veuve Agasse: Paris. Pallary, P. 1900. Coquilles marines du littoral du Département d'Oran Journal de Conchyliologie 48 211-422, pls. 6-8. Perry, G. 1811. Conchology iv + 5 pp., 61 pls. William Miller: London. Pilsbry, H. A. 1945. New Floridian marine mollusks Nautilus 59 59-60, pl. 6. [Stated date: -- Oct 1945.] Risso, A. 1826. Histoire naturelle des principales productions de l'Europe Méridionale et particulièrement de celles des environs de Nice et des Alpes Maritimes Histoire naturelle des principales productions de l'Europe Méridionale 4 [iii] + vii + 439 pp., 12 pls. F.-G. Levrault: Paris. Smith, E. A. 1890. Report on the marine molluscan fauna of the island of St. Helena Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1890 247-317, pls. 21-24. [Stated date: 01 Apr 1890.] von Salis, C. U. 1793. Reisen in verschiedne Provinzen des Königreichs Neapel Reisen in Verschiedne Provinzen des Königreichs Neapel 1 442 [+2], 10 pls. Ziegler und Söhne: Zurich and Leipzig. [Stated date: -- --- 1793.]