Fissurella (Cremides) alternata var. sayiDall, 1889a, p. 407 [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: Not stated [Blake sta. 62, by lectotype selection of Pérez Farfante (1943b)] Range: 34.2°N to 23°S; 94.5°W to 32.5°W Depth: 0 to 402 m (live 15 to 174 m) Maximum Reported Size: 30 mm Distribution: USA: North Carolina, Florida: East Florida; USA: Louisiana, Texas; Mexico: Campeche Bank; Colombia: Offshore islands; Panama, Colombia; ABC Islands: Curacao; Venezuela: Sucre; Cuba: North Havana Province; Puerto Rico, Barbados, Brazil: Amapa, Maranhao, Ceara, Fernando de Noronha, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Sergipe, Bahia, Abrolhos Islands, Espirito Santo, Trindade Island, Rio de Janeiro References: Olsson & McGinty (1958) d; Christiaens (1974) M; Porter (1974) N (UNC-IMS #4150); Mello & Perrier (1986) {d}; Odé (1988d) {M}; Leal (1991b) E; Díaz et al. (1990) l; Macsotay & Campos (2001); García & Lee (2002); García (2007b); HMNS W Combining Genera: Fissuridea Glyphis
Partial List of References
Dall, W. H. 1889. Reports on the results of dredgings, under the supervision of Alexander Agassiz, in the Gulf of Mexico (1877-78) and in the Caribbean Sea (1879-80), by the U. S. Coast Survey Steamer 'Blake,' Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 18 1-492, pls. 10-40. [Stated date: 08 Jun 1889.]