Scalaria echinaticostad'Orbigny, 1842b, p. 18-19, pl. 11 [11 bis], figs. 4-6 [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: Saint-Thomas Range: 34.5°N to 21°S; 91.65°W to 32.5°W Depth: 0 to 366 m (live 0 to 2 m) Maximum Reported Size: 15 mm Distribution: USA: North Carolina, Florida: East Florida, West Florida, Florida Keys, Dry Tortugas; USA: Louisiana; Mexico: Yucatan State, Quintana Roo; Belize; Colombia: Old Providence Island; Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia; ABC Islands: Bonaire; Bermuda, Bahamas: Grand Bahama Island, Abaco (Great or Little), Bimini, Andros, New Providence, Eleuthera; Turks and Caicos, Cuba: North Havana Province, North Matanzas, Holguin; Jamaica, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico; Virgin Islands: St. Thomas, St. Croix; Anguilla, Barbados, Brazil: Fernando de Noronha, Espirito Santo References: Clench & Turner (1951) N; Abbott (1958) d; Porter (1974) N; Robertson (1983) L; Kaicher (1983b) dl; Sunderland (1989a) M; Leal (1991b) E; García (2004) W Combining Genera: Cycloscala
Scala echinaticosta var. blandiiMörch, 1875a, p. 256, [Mörch (1876c) pl. 29, fig. 8] [Synonym] Type Locality: St. Thomas Range: 18.3°N ; 65°W Maximum Reported Size: 5.25 mm Distribution: Virgin Islands: St. Thomas References: Mörch (1875a) NSEWM; Clench & Turner (1951)
Scala (Cycloscala) dunkerianaDall, 1889a, p. 315-316 [Synonym] Type Locality: St. Thomas Range: 25°N to 18°N; 83°W to 65°W Depth: 1 to 11 m Distribution: USA: Florida: Florida Keys, Dry Tortugas; Cuba: North Havana Province; Dominican Republic; Virgin Islands: St. Thomas References: Dall (1889a) DdNSEW; Aguayo & Jaume (1936); Clench & Turner (1951) Comments: New name for Scalaria soluta Mörch, 1875 non A. Adams, 1862.
Epitonium echinaticostum sic, [Not available] Comments: Error for echinaticosta by Clench & Turner (1951).
Scala electaVerrill & Bush, 1900, p. 536, pl. 64, fig. 11 [Synonym] Type Locality: Bermuda Range: 32.3°N ; 64.8°W Maximum Reported Size: 8 mm Distribution: Bermuda References: Verrill & Bush (1900) NSEWM; Clench & Turner (1951) s (of Epitonium krebsii; García (2004) s
Cycloscala equinaticosta sic, [Not available] Maximum Reported Size: 10 mm Distribution: Cuba: North Havana Province, North Matanzas, Cienfuegos, Holguin References: Fernández Milera (1998) M Comments: Error for echinaticosta by Fernández Milera (1998).
Scala solutaMörch, 1875a, p. 255-256, [Mörch (1876c) pl. 29, fig. 5] [Synonym] Attributed to: Dunker MS Type Locality: St. Thomas; Smiths Bay Range: 18.3°N ; 65°W Maximum Reported Size: 5 mm Distribution: Virgin Islands: St. Thomas References: Mörch (1875a) M; Clench & Turner (1951) s Comments: Non A. Adams, 1862.
Epitonium (Cycloscala) vetulumWoodring, 1928, p. 395, pl. 31, fig. 9 [Synonym] Type Locality: Bowden beds, Jamaica Maximum Reported Size: 3 mm References: Woodring (1928) M
Scala volubilisMörch, 1875a, p. 256 [Synonym] Type Locality: St. Thomas Range: 18.3°N ; 65°W Maximum Reported Size: 4 mm Distribution: Virgin Islands: St. Thomas References: Mörch (1875a) NSEWM; Clench & Turner (1951) s
Partial List of References
d'Orbigny, A. 1842. Mollusques Histoire Physique, Politique et Naturelle de l'île de Cuba 2 1-112, pls. 10-21?. Arthus Bertrand: Paris. [Stated date: -- --- 1853; true date: -- --- 1842.] Dall, W. H. 1889. Reports on the results of dredgings, under the supervision of Alexander Agassiz, in the Gulf of Mexico (1877-78) and in the Caribbean Sea (1879-80), by the U. S. Coast Survey Steamer 'Blake,' Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 18 1-492, pls. 10-40. [Stated date: 08 Jun 1889.] Mörch, O. A. L. 1875. Synopsis familiae Scalidarum Indiarum occidentalium. Oversigt over Vestindiens Scalarier Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra den Naturhistoriske Forening i Kjöbenhavn ?? 250-268. [Stated date: 27 May 1875.] Verrill, A. E. and K. J. Bush. 1900. Additions to the marine Mollusca of the Bermudas Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences 10 513-544, pls. 63-66. [Stated date: -- Sep 1900.] Woodring, W. P. 1928. Miocene Mollusks from Bowden, Jamaica. Part II. Gastropods and discussion of results Carnegie Institute of Washington Publication 385 vii + 564 pp., 40 pls. [Stated date: 28 Nov 1928.]