Voluta bullataBorn, 1778, p. 205-206 [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: Not stated Range: 12°S to 18.5°S; 39.7°W to 37.5°W Depth: 3 to 18 m Maximum Reported Size: 101 mm Distribution: Brazil: Bahia, Espirito Santo References: de Souza & Coovert (2001) NEM; Cossignani (2006e) SW Combining Genera: Marginella
Marginella belangerii sic, [Not available] Comments: Error for bellangeri by d'Orbigny (1840).
Marginella bellangeriKiener, 1834a, p. 27-28, pl. 9, fig. 43 [Synonym] Type Locality: Unknown Maximum Reported Size: 90 mm References: Kiener (1834a) M; d'Orbigny (1840) s; de Souza & Coovert (2001) s
Marginella cuvieri Deshayes, 1855, [Synonym] References: de Souza & Coovert (2001) s
Marginella glaucaG. Fischer, 1807, p. 172, [Martini, 1773 , pl. 42, fig. 424-425; Knorr 4, pl. 23 et 27, fig. 1] [Synonym] Type Locality: Mer des Indes
Marginella magnaSwainson, 1822a, p. 12, [Chemnitz 1788, pl. 150, figs. 1409-1410] [Not available] Type Locality: Not stated References: de Souza & Coovert (2001) s Comments: Name introduced in synonymy.
Voluta ovumGmelin, 1791, p. 3448, [Knorr vergn. 4, pl. 23, fig. 5, pl. 27, fig. 1] [Synonym] Type Locality: Unknown Maximum Reported Size: 70 mm References: Gmelin (1791) M; d'Orbigny (1840) s; de Souza & Coovert (2001) s
Partial List of References
Born, I. 1778. Index Rerum Naturalium Musei Caesarei Vindobonensis. Pars I. Testacea [xlii] + 458 + [82] pp., 1 pl. Offficina Krausiana: Wien. Fischer, G. 1807. Museum Demidoff Museum Demidoff 3 [iv] + ix + 330 pp., 6 pls. Université imperiale: Moscou. [True date: post 30 Dec.] Gmelin, J. F. 1791. Systema naturae per regna tria naturae. Editio decima tertia Systema Naturae, 13th ed., vol. 1(6) 3021-3910. Lipsiae. Kiener, L. C. 1834. Genre Marginelle. (Marginella, Lamarck) Spécies Général et Iconographie des Coquilles Vivantes 3 1-30, 9 pls. Swainson, W. 1822. Appendix. Description of several new shells, and remarks on others, contained in the collection of the late Mrs. Bligh A catalogue of the rare and valuable shells, which formed the celebrated collection of the late Mrs. Bligh 20 pp. London. [True date: pre May 20.]