Marginella avenaKiener, 1834a, p. 17-18, pl. 6, fig. 24 [Basis of the current name] Attributed to: Valenciennes MS Type Locality: Mers des Indes Occidentales Range: 35°N to 23°S; 92°W to 33.8°W Depth: 0 to 80 m (live 5 to 15 m) Maximum Reported Size: 12.7 mm Distribution: USA: North Carolina, Florida: East Florida, West Florida, Florida Keys; USA: Texas; Mexico: Campeche State, Cayo Arcas, Campeche, Yucatan State, Alacran Reef, Quintana Roo; Honduras: Swan Island; Colombia: Old Providence Island; Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela: Sucre, Islas de Aves, Islas Los Roques, Isla Orchila, Isla Margarita; Bermuda, Cuba: North Matanzas; Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico; Virgin Islands: St. Croix; Anguilla, Guadeloupe; St. Vincent & the Grenadines: Mustique, Grenada; Brazil: Amapa, Para, Maranhao, Ceara, Atol das Rocas, Rio Grande do Norte, Pernambuco, Abrolhos Islands, Rio de Janeiro References: Houbrick (1968) d; Vokes & Vokes (1983, original station data) W; Reed & Mikkelsen (1987) D; Díaz et al. (1990) Ll; Fernández Milera (1998); F. Boyer (2000) T; Macsotay & Campos (2001); Hewitt (2005a); Cossignani (2006e) M Combining Genera: Hyalina
Marginella avenacea sic, [Not available] References: Boyer (2000) s Comments: Error for avena by Deshayes (1844); see also Prunum bellulum.
Marginella beyerleanaBernardi, 1853, p. 149-150, pl. 5, figs. 15-16 [Synonymy uncertain] Type Locality: Unknown Range: 22.5°N to 9.4°N; 92°W to 80°W Depth: 0 to 12 m Maximum Reported Size: 12.5 mm Distribution: Mexico: Campeche State, Cayo Arcas, Campeche, Yucatan State, Alacran Reef, Quintana Roo; Panama References: Bernardi (1853) M; Olsson & McGinty (1958) dSE; Vokes & Vokes (1983, original station data) NW; F. Boyer (2000) s
Marginella lividaReeve, 1865a, pl. 20, fig. 100 [Synonym] Type Locality: Unknown Maximum Reported Size: 8.3 mm References: Reeve (1865a) M; Talavera & Princz (1985) s Comments: Non Hinds, 1844, replaced by V. vermiculata Jousseaume, 1875.
Marginella (Volvarina) perrieriBavay, 1906b, p. 248-249, pl. 7, figs. 5-6 [Synonym] Type Locality: Malouines Insulas (Falkland) [in error, corrected to Rio de Janeiro by Boyer (2000)] Range: 23°S to 23°S; 43°W Maximum Reported Size: 10.8 mm Distribution: Brazil: Rio de Janeiro References: Forcelli (2000) s (of V. warreni); F. Boyer (2000) sTM; Cossignani (2006e)
Marginella variaSowerby II, 1846, p. 390, pl. 76, figs. 137, 139-140 [Synonym] Type Locality: West Indies Range: 16°N ; 88°W to 86.5°W Depth: 15 m Maximum Reported Size: 17 mm Distribution: Belize, Honduras References: Sowerby II (1846) W; Jousseaume (1875) s; Lipe & Sunderland (1991) DdNSEM; F. Boyer (2000) s; Cossignani (2006e) Comments: Also described by Sowerby I (1846, p. 97); figs. 138 and 141 in Sowerby II (1846) are not part of the type series, being cited as varieties.
Volvarina vermiculataJousseaume, 1875, p. 229 [Synonym] Type Locality: Unknown References: Wagner & Abbott (1978) s Comments: New name for M. livida Reeve, 1865, non Hinds, 1844.
Partial List of References
Bavay, A. 1906. Sur quelques coquilles oubliées de Muséum de Paris Journal de Conchyliologie 53 248-256, pl. 7. [True date: 23 Feb 1906.] Bernardi. 1853. Description de coquilles nouvelles (Conus et Marginella) Journal de Conchyliologie 4 149-150, pls. 5-6. [Stated date: 01 May 1853.] Jousseaume, F. P. 1875. Coquilles de la famille des marginelles Revue et Magasin de Zoologie 3 164-271, pls. 7-8. Kiener, L. C. 1834. Genre Marginelle. (Marginella, Lamarck) Spécies Général et Iconographie des Coquilles Vivantes 3 1-30, 9 pls. Reeve, L. 1865. Monograph of the genus Marginella Conchologia Iconica 15 pls. 1, 14-27 [Stated date: -- Jan 1865.] Sowerby, G. B., II. 1846. Monograph of the genus Marginella Thesaurus Conchyliorum 1 373-406, pls. 74-78 [True date: pre Nov 27.]