Range: 22°N to 11.3°N; 74°W to 0°W Depth: 2 to 274 m (live 2 to 2 m) Maximum Reported Size: 12 mm
Pleurotoma caribbaea E. A. Smith, 1882 Pleurotoma interstrigata E. A. Smith, 1882 Drillia interpleura auct. non Dall & Simpson, 1901 Drillia euphanes Melvill, 1923 Neodrillia euphanes (Melvill, 1923)
Pleurotoma (Clavus) interstrigataE. A. Smith, 1882a, p. 208 [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: St. Thomas and St. Vincent, West Indies Range: 18.47°N to 11.3°N; 74°W to 61.2°W Depth: 2 m (live 2 m) Maximum Reported Size: 12 mm Distribution: Colombia; Virgin Islands: St. Thomas, Virgin Gorda; St. Vincent & the Grenadines: St. Vincent References: E. A. Smith (1882a) E; Maes (1983) DdLlN; Díaz & Puyana (1994) SWM
Pleurotoma (Crassispira) caribbaeaE. A. Smith, 1882a, p. 211-212 [Synonym] Type Locality: Cuba Range: 20°N to 23°N Maximum Reported Size: 12 mm Distribution: Cuba References: E. A. Smith (1882a) NSEWM; Maes (1983) s Comments: Non d'Orbigny, 1847.
Drillia euphanesMelvill, 1923, p. 164, pl. 4, fig. 4 [Synonymy uncertain] Type Locality: Cuba Range: 22°N Depth: 183 to 274 m Maximum Reported Size: 12 mm Distribution: Cuba References: Melvill (1923) M Combining Genera: Neodrillia
Drillia interpleura auct. non Dall & Simpson, 1901, [Not available] References: Maes (1983) s Comments: Misidentification by Humpfrey (1975).
Partial List of References
Melvill, J. C. 1923. Descriptions of twenty-one species of Turridae (Pleurotomidae) from various localities in the collection of Mr. E. R. Sykes Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London 15 162-171, pls. 4-5. [Stated date: -- Mar 1923.] Smith, E. A. 1882. Diagnoses of new species of Pleurotomidae in the British Museum Annals and Magazine of Natural History (5)10 206-218.