Cantharidus (Halistylus) columnaDall, 1890a, p. 341-342, pl. 9, fig. 7 [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: USFC sta. 2762, 2764 or 2765 Range: 23°S to 41°S; 63°W to 43°W Depth: 18 to 108 m Maximum Reported Size: 5.8 mm Distribution: Brazil: Rio de Janeiro, Parana, Rio Grande do Sul; Argentina: Buenos Aires, Rio Negro References: Dall (1890a) dNE; Castellanos (1970a) SW
Halistylus circumstriatusPilsbry, 1897a, p. 7, [Pilsbry 1897b, pl. 6, fig. 21] [Synonym] Type Locality: Maldonado Bay, Uruguay Range: 35°S to 35°S; 55°W Distribution: Uruguay References: Pilsbry (1897a) NSEW
Partial List of References
Dall, W. H. 1890. Scientific results of explorations by the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer Albatross. No. VII.--Preliminary report on the collection of Mollusca and Brachiopoda obtained in 1887-'88 Proceedings of the United States National Museum 12(773) 219-362, pls. 5-14. [Stated date: -- --- 1889; true date: -- --- 1890.] Pilsbry, H. A. 1897. List of mollusks collected in Maldonado Bay, Uruguay, by Dr. Wm. H. Rush, U. S. N. Nautilus 11 6-9. [Stated date: -- May 1897.]