Mangilia psilaBush, 1885a, p. 455-456, pl. 45, fig. 2 [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: USFC sta. 2269, off Cape Hatteras, 48 fathoms Range: 35.21°N to 9.4°N; 82°W to 67.2°W Depth: 88 to 465 m Maximum Reported Size: 6 mm Distribution: USA: North Carolina, Georgia, Florida: East Florida, West Florida; Panama, Colombia, Venezuela: unlocalized; Bahamas: Grand Bahama Island; Puerto Rico References: Bush (1885a) dNM; Dall & Simpson (1901) W; Gardner (1948) c; Radwin (1969) S; Princz (1982a)
Ithycythara kellumiFargo, 1953, p. 283, pl. 20, fig. 1 [Synonym] Type Locality: Pliocene of North St. Petersburg, Florida Maximum Reported Size: 7.1 mm References: Fargo (1953) M Comments: Described as a fossil.
Partial List of References
Bush, K. J. 1885. Additions to the shallow-water Mollusca of Cape Hatteras, N.C., dredged by the U.S. Fish Commission Steamer 'Albatross,' in 1883 and 1884 Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences 6 453-480, pl. 45. Fargo, W. G. 1953. Pliocene Mollusca of Southern Florida. Part II. The Pliocene Turridae of Saint Petersburg, Florida Monographs of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 18 365-409, pls. 16-24 [Stated date: 06 Nov 1953.]