Range: 26.77°N to 17.8°S; 94°W to 39°W Depth: 0.3 to 208 m (live 0.3 to 5.5 m) Maximum Reported Size: 20 mm
Crassispira fuscescens auct. non C. B. Adams, 1850 Pleurotoma solida C. B. Adams, 1850 Clathrodrillia solida (C. B. Adams, 1850) Drillia solida (C. B. Adams, 1850) Crassispira solida (C. B. Adams, 1850) Drillia ebenina auct. non Dall, 1890 Clathrodrillia ebenina auct. non Dall, 1890 Crassispira ebenina auct. non Dall, 1890
Pleurotoma solidaC. B. Adams, 1850c, p. 61-62, Not figured [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: Jamaica Range: 26.77°N to 17.8°S; 88.48°W to 39°W Depth: 0.3 to 208 m (live 0.3 to 5.5 m) Maximum Reported Size: 20 mm Distribution: USA: Florida: East Florida, Florida Keys, Dry Tortugas; Belize, Honduras, Panama, Venezuela: Anzoategui, Isla Margarita; Bahamas: Grand Bahama Island; Cuba: Pinar del Rio, Holguin, Guantanamo; Cayman Islands: Grand Cayman Island; Jamaica, Haiti, Puerto Rico; Virgin Islands: St. Thomas; Antigua, Brazil: Abrolhos Islands References: Ortiz-Corps (1985) {E}; Williams (2005) {W}M; Tippett (2006) DdLlNSEW Combining Genera: Clathrodrillia Crassispira Drillia
Drillia ebenina auct. non Dall, 1890, [Not available] Range: 25°N to 22°N; 94°W to 81°W Depth: 2 m Distribution: USA: Florida: Florida Keys; Mexico: Veracruz; Cuba: Havana Province References: Dall (1890c) SEW; Tabb & Manning (1961) dN Comments: Misidentification by Dall (1889b: 96, Recent records); Tippett (2006) considered Glossispira ebenina to be fossil only. Combining Genera: Clathrodrillia Crassispira
Crassispira fuscescens auct. non C. B. Adams, 1850, [Not available] Range: 19.35°N ; 81.28°W Depth: 3 m (live 3 m) Maximum Reported Size: 15 mm Distribution: Cayman Islands: Grand Cayman Island References: Abbott (1958) DdLlNSEWM; Tippett (2006) s Comments: Misidentification by Abbott (1958).
Partial List of References
Adams, C. B. 1850. Descriptions of supposed new species of marine shells, which inhabit Jamaica Contributions to Conchology 4 56-68. [Stated date: -- Jan 1850.]