Voluta heteroclitaMontagu, 1808, p. 169, 175 [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: North Britain Range: 32.3°N to 25.02°S; 94°W to 47.83°W Depth: 0 m (live 0 m) Maximum Reported Size: 7 mm Distribution: USA: Florida: East Florida, West Florida, Florida Keys; USA: Alabama, Texas; Mexico: Campeche State, Quintana Roo; Panama, Bermuda, Bahamas: Grand Bahama Island, Abaco (Great or Little), Andros, New Providence; Cuba: Havana Province, Matanzas; Cayman Islands: Grand Cayman Island; Jamaica, Haiti, Puerto Rico; Virgin Islands: St. Croix; Surinam, Brazil: Sao Paulo References: A. E. Verrill (1901) N; Marcus & Marcus (1965b) SE; Martins (1996) WM Comments: 30°N in Florida. Combining Genera: Acteon Auricula Tornatella
Tornatellina cubensis Pfeiffer, 1842, [Synonym] References: Pfeiffer (1854b: 152) s (of pellucida); Maury (1922) s Combining Genera: Odostomia Oleacina
Achatina (?) pellucidaPfeiffer, 1840, p. 252, Not figured [Synonym] Type Locality: Cuba [Nordküste, Pfeiffer 1839: 349; Matanzas Bay or Cardenas, based on localities cited by Pfeiffer (1854c)] Range: 23°N ; 81.2°W to 81.7°W Maximum Reported Size: 4.4 mm Distribution: Cuba: North Matanzas References: Pfeiffer (1840) M; Maury (1922) s Comments: Treated as an Odostomia by Arango (1880: 161), but correctly placed in Blauneria by Arango (1878: 60).
Partial List of References
Montagu, G. 1808. Supplement to Testacea Britannica [iii] + v + 184 pp., 30 pls. S. Woolmer: Exeter. [True date: post Oct 1.] Pfeiffer, L. 1840. Uebersicht der im Januar, Februar und März 1839 auf Cuba gesammelten Mollusken Archiv für Naturgeschichte 6(1) 250-261.