Range: 20.13°S to 42°S; 64°W to 41.57°W Depth: 5 to 110 m (live 20 to 80 m) Maximum Reported Size: 22 mm
Ancilla tankervillei auct. non Swainson, 1825 Ancillaria dimidiata auct. non Sowerby, 1859 Ancilla dimidiata auct. non Sowerby, 1859 Amalda josecarlosi Pastorino, 2003
Amalda josecarlosiPastorino, 2003, p. 16-20, figs. 1-14 [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: Golfo San Matías, Río Negro Province, Argentina (~41°S) Range: 20.13°S to 41°S; 64°W to 41.57°W Depth: 19 to 110 m (live 20 to 80 m) Maximum Reported Size: 22 mm Distribution: Brazil: Espirito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul; Argentina: Buenos Aires, Rio Negro References: Pastorino (2003) DdLlNSEWM
Ancillaria dimidiata auct. non Sowerby, 1859, [Not available] Range: 21.5°S to 42°S; 64°W to 41.57°W Depth: 5 to 80 m Maximum Reported Size: 17 mm Distribution: Brazil: Espirito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul; Uruguay References: Strebel (1908) D; E. A. Smith (1915) dNE; Sterba (2004) N Comments: Misidentification. Combining Genera: Ancilla
Ancilla tankervillei auct. non Swainson, 1825, [Not available] Range: 34°S to 42°S; 64°W to 51°W Distribution: Brazil, Argentina: Buenos Aires, Rio Negro References: Castellanos (1970a) NSEW; Pastorino (2003) s Comments: Misidentification.
Partial List of References
Pastorino, G. 2003. A new species of Ancillariinae (Gastropoda: Olividae) from the southwestern Atlantic Ocean Nautilus 117 15-22. [Stated date: 28 Apr 2003.]