Anadara baughmani Hertlein, 1951, [Basis of the current name] Range: 30.07°N to 15°S; 96.38°W to 35°W Depth: 15 to 150 m Maximum Reported Size: 22 mm Distribution: USA: Florida: West Florida; USA: Texas References: Springer & Bullis (1956) DNW
Anadara springeriRehder & Abbott, 1951b, p. 54, pl. 8, figs. 8-9 [Synonym] Type Locality: Twelve miles off Dry Tortugas, Florida, 60-66 fathoms Range: 29°N to 25°N; 96°W to 83°W Depth: 73 to 110 m Maximum Reported Size: 48 mm Distribution: USA: Florida: Dry Tortugas; USA: Louisiana, Texas References: Rehder & Abbott (1951b) DdNSEWM
Partial List of References
Rehder, H. A. and R. T. Abbott. 1951. Some new and interesting mollusks from the deeper waters of the Gulf of Mexico Revista de la Sociedad Malacológica "Carlos de la Torre" 8 53-66, pls. 8-9. [Stated date: 12 Nov 1951.]