Pecten multisquamatus Dunker, 1864, [Basis of the current name] Range: 28°N to 11.38°S; 94°W to 37.17°W Depth: 1.5 to 61 m (live 50 to 51 m) Maximum Reported Size: 70 mm Distribution: USA: Florida: East Florida; Mexico: Campeche Bank; Honduras, Panama; ABC Islands: Bonaire; Bermuda, Bahamas, Cuba: North Havana Province; Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Barbados, Brazil: Sergipe References: Boone (1978) NW; Sunderland & Cahill (1990) d; Waller (1993) cLSEMT; Smith, Jackson & Fortunato (2006); García (2007b) l Combining Genera: Chlamys
Pecten effluens Dall, 1886, [Synonym] Range: 18°N ; 77°W Depth: 15 to 232 m Maximum Reported Size: 13.2 mm References: Dall (1886) D; Waller (1993) sMT Comments: Dall (1886, 1889) incorrectly gave the size as 26 mm (Waller, 1993). Combining Genera: Chlamys