Range: 25°N to 22°S; 89°W to 44°W Depth: 1 to 58 m (live 1 to 1 m) Maximum Reported Size: 9 mm
Lucina pectinella C. B. Adams, 1852 Parvilucina pectinella (C. B. Adams, 1852) Phacoides coupoisi Klein, 1967
Lucina pectinellaC. B. Adams, 1852c, p. 246, Not figured [Basis of the current name] Type Locality: Harbor of Kingston Jamaica Range: 25°N to 22°S; 89°W to 44°W Depth: 1 to 58 m (live 1 m) Maximum Reported Size: 9 mm Distribution: USA: Florida: East Florida, Florida Keys; Mexico: Quintana Roo; Jamaica References: Jackson (1973) dLlM Combining Genera: Parvilucina
Phacoides coupoisi Klein, 1967, [Synonym]
Partial List of References
Adams, C. B. 1852. Catalogue of species of Lucina, which inhabit the West Indian Seas Contributions to Conchology 12 242-247. [Stated date: -- Nov 1852.]