Range: 24.6°N to 23°S; 89°W to 44°W Depth: 15 m Maximum Reported Size: 3.5 mm
Crassatella martinicensisd'Orbigny, 1853, p. 288-289, pl. 27, figs. 21-23 [Basis of the current name] Attributed to: d'Orbigny (1842) Type Locality: Martinique, Jamaica and Saint-Dominigue Range: 24.6°N to 23°S; 89°W to 44°W Depth: 15 m Maximum Reported Size: 3.5 mm Distribution: USA: Florida: Florida Keys, Dry Tortugas; Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Martinique References: Mikkelsen & Bieler (2004) N
Partial List of References
d'Orbigny, A. 1853. Mollusques Histoire Physique, Politique et Naturelle de l'île de Cuba 2 [iv] + 225-380, pls. 26-28?.