Range: 23°S to 39°S; 0°W to 43°W Maximum Reported Size: 61 mm
Solen scalprum auct. non King & Broderip, 1832 Solen tehuelcha Hanley, 1842
Solen tehuelcha Hanley, 1842, [Basis of the current name] Attributed to: d'Orbigny MS Range: 23°S to 39°S; 43°W Maximum Reported Size: 61 mm Comments: Originally spelled thuelcha, but the spelling tehuelcha is in prevailing usage and accepted here under ICZN Article 33.3.1.
Solen scalprum auct. non King & Broderip, 1832, [Not available] Attributed to: Broderip (1847) Comments: Misidentification.
Solen thuelcha sic, [Not available] Comments: Original spelling of Solen tehuelcha.