Range: 42°N to 43°S; 91°W to 6°W Depth: 0.9 to 823 m (live 3.7 to 11 m) Maximum Reported Size: 10.4 mm
Corbula barrattiana C. B. Adams, 1852 Corbula swiftiana C. B. Adams, 1852 Corbula caribaea d'Orbigny, 1853 Corbula lavalleana d'Orbigny, 1853 Corbula uruguayensis Marshall, 1928
Corbula caribaead'Orbigny, 1853, p. 284, pl. 27, figs. 5-7 [Basis of the current name] Attributed to: d'Orbigny (1842) Type Locality: Environs de la Havane, Cuba; Saint-Dominigue Range: 35°N to 43°S; 82.5°W to 6°W Depth: 0.9 to 11 m Maximum Reported Size: 9 mm Distribution: USA: Florida: East Florida, West Florida; Cuba: North Havana Province; Dominican Republic References: d'Orbigny (1853) M; Perry & Schwengel (1955) DW; Mikkelsen & Bieler (2004) c Comments: Corbula barrattiana or Corbula swiftiana has priority if the 1853 date for d'Orbigny is correct; but d'Orbigny's taxon may yet prove to have been published in 1852 also.
Corbula barratianaC. B. Adams, 1852b, p. 237-238, Not figured [Synonym] Type Locality: Kingston harbor, Jamaica Range: 35°N to 2°N; 87°W to 51°W Depth: 3.7 to 521 m (live 3.7 to 11 m) Maximum Reported Size: 8.9 mm Distribution: USA: North Carolina, Florida: East Florida, West Florida; Jamaica References: C. B. Adams (1852b) M; Taylor (1970) dl; Cooley (1978) W; Lyons (1989b) L; Mikkelsen & Bieler (2004) s
Corbula lavaleana sic, [Not available] Comments: Original misspelling of lavalleana.
Corbula lavalleanad'Orbigny, 1853, p. 284, pl. 27, figs. 9-12 [Synonym] Attributed to: d'Orbigny (1842) Type Locality: Martinique, Guadeloupe, Jamaica and Cuba Range: 20°N to 14.8°N; 77°W to 61°W Maximum Reported Size: 6 mm Distribution: Cuba, Jamaica, Guadeloupe, Martinique References: Mikkelsen (2005) s Comments: Spelled lavalleana in text and index, lavaleana on plate.
Corbula swiftianaC. B. Adams, 1852b, p. 236-237, Not figured [Synonym] Type Locality: East part of Kingston harbor, Jamaica; St. Thomas [not specified when Clench & Turner (1950) choose the lectotype] Range: 42°N to 18°N; 91°W to 77°W Depth: 2 to 823 m (live 8 to 11 m) Maximum Reported Size: 10.4 mm Distribution: USA: Massachusetts, Florida: East Florida, West Florida; USA: Texas; Jamaica; Virgin Islands: St. Thomas References: C. B. Adams (1852b) SEM; Perry & Schwengel (1955) d; Lyons (1989b) Ll; Mikkelsen & Bieler (2004) s
Corbula uruguayensis Marshall, 1928, [Synonym]
Partial List of References
Adams, C. B. 1852. Descriptions of new species of Corbula from Jamaica Contributions to Conchology 12 233-241. [Stated date: -- Oct 1852.] d'Orbigny, A. 1853. Mollusques Histoire Physique, Politique et Naturelle de l'île de Cuba 2 [iv] + 225-380, pls. 26-28?.