Siliquaria squamata Blainville, 1827, [Basis of the current name] Range: 32.82°N to 20.73°S; 96.3°W to 31.83°W Depth: 0 to 732 m (live 51 to 213 m) Maximum Reported Size: 170 mm Distribution: USA: South Carolina, Florida: East Florida, West Florida; USA: South of Dry Tortugas, Florida, Louisiana, Texas; Florida Strait (offshore), Mexico: Veracruz; Honduras: Swan Island, Rosalind Bank; Colombia: Serrana Bank; Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Colombia, Venezuela: Carabobo, Aragua; Bermuda, Bahamas: Grand Bahama Island, Abaco (Great or Little), New Providence, Long Island; Cuba: North Havana Province; Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico; Virgin Islands: St. Croix, Tortola; Anguilla, St. Barthelemy/St. Bartholomew, Martinique, St. Lucia; St. Vincent & the Grenadines: St. Vincent; Barbados; Trinidad & Tobago: Trinidad; Brazil: Amapa, Para, Maranhao, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraiba, Bahia, Espirito Santo References: Parker & Curray (1956) W; Merrill & Petit (1965) N; Princz (1982b); Leal (1991b) SE; Redfern (2001) d; Bieler (2004) LlM
Tenagodus anguillae Mörch, 1861, [Synonym] Range: 33.87°N to 18.5°N; 93.8°W to 67°W Depth: 11 to 90 m (live 90 m) Maximum Reported Size: 54 mm Distribution: USA: North Carolina, Flower Garden Banks; Jamaica References: Porter (1974) DLlN (UNC-IMS #4197); Lipka (1974) WM; Bieler (1996); Bieler (2004) sT Combining Genera: Siliquaria
Anguinaria rubra auct. non Schumacher, 1817, [Not available] Distribution: Bermuda Comments: Misidentification; Anguinaria rubra Schumacher is an Indo-Pacific species according to Bieler (2004). Combining Genera: Siliquaria
Siliquaria sculpturata Gabb, 1881, [Synonym] References: Robinson (1991) s