Panopaea abbreviata Valenciennes, 1839, [Basis of the current name] Range: 23°S to 48°S; 42°W Depth: 25 to 75 m Maximum Reported Size: 88 mm Comments: Non Michelotti, 1839. Combining Genera: Panope
Panopaea antarctica Gould, 1850, [Synonym] References: Bernard (1983) s Combining Genera: Panope
Panopaea coquimbensisd'Orbigny, 1842c, p. 126, pl. 15, figs. 7-8 [Synonym] Type Locality: grès tertiares à gros grains des environs de Coquimbo, au nord du Chili Maximum Reported Size: 110 mm References: d'Orbigny (1842c) M; Bernard (1983) s Combining Genera: Panope
Panopaea guayacanensis Philippi, 1887, [Synonym] References: Bernard (1983) s Combining Genera: Panope
Panopaea hauthali Wilckens, 1907, [Synonym] References: Bernard (1983) s Combining Genera: Panope
Panopaea inferior Wilckens, 1907, [Synonym] References: Bernard (1983) s
Panopaea truncataBorchert, 1901, p. 212-213, pl. 9, figs. 1-2 [Synonym] Type Locality: Paraná-Stufe, Argentina Maximum Reported Size: 110 mm References: Borchert (1901) M; Bernard (1983) s Comments: Described as a fossil.
Partial List of References
Borchert, A. 1901. Die Molluskenfauna und das Alter der Paraná-Stufe Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaeontologie, Beilage 14 171-245, pls. 6-10. [True date: pre 11 July.] d'Orbigny, A. 1842. Paléontologie Voyage dans l'Amérique Méridionale 3 1-188, pls. 1-22. P. Bertrand: Paris.